bubonic bui profile picture

bubonic bui


About Me

Jaded with new people but love being around people I'm comfortable with. I'm quiet at first, but too much later. I've been in the Northwest my entire life and for the most part hate it here. Love the city and hate the country. I hate bureaucracies of life. Cut to the chase and live it up. I do research in immunology. I love it and life is so great when my stuff works but I hate it and turn into a madwoman when it doesn't. I cut off stupid drivers and instigate road rage. I'm an advocate of fast or rather "efficient" driving. I love driving my obnoxious blue WRX and I hate how I have a vanity plate. I'm obsessed with cars. No, they are not simply a means of getting from point A to point B, and no, I'm not for using cars as a status symbol. I like playing with my kitties and try to steal other people's cute pets. I work out just to pork out afterwards. I'm into politics (or maybe it's for the sake of arguing). I believe everyone reserves the right to be hypocrite. I love to cook: wait, I can only make two dishes. And speaking of food, I spend too much money going out to eat. I'm a fool for gizmos and gadgets. Hmm.. I love pickles and i'm all for banning raisins in carrot . As you can see, I'm scatterbrain.. And oh yeah, I hate talking about myself.

My Interests

Hmmm.. obsession with cars. Animals. Watching Football. Tech stuff. Following Politics (why?). Snowboardin'. Playing Warcraft... (No, I am NOT a gamer). Porking Out. Doing worthless, time-consuming things... umm.. like being on here and friendster... Detecting Antigen specific T-cell Cytokines

I'd like to meet:

None of You.


Six Feet Under, Project Runway, Top Chef, 24, Lost, Teen Jeopardy.


Sophie's World, Invisible Man... umm.. shooot.. i don't read much... ADD...