Surfing the net can expand our minds on issues that concern us. Since the environment is my favorite topic, I’ve scanned the World Wide Web to supply you with links to educational Eco-sites. You’d be amazed how many Eco-heroes are out there right now putting together smart projects to make this planet a safer, better place for everyone! On the Net, you can find out about all kinds of environmental problems, and better yet, learn what kids are doing to solve them.
Truth be told, there really is no point to meeting beautiful women here. This is because I am A sexual and reproduce on my own. I only need to reproduce even galactozord (2,343 years). So I really dont have a need for this myspace thing, except i would definelty like to meet the Thundercats or maybe even Garfield. They've got some stellar cartoons.
The Captain Planet Intro Song. What can I say...
Captain Planet and the Planeteers: The Power Is Yours (1990) Captain Planet:Mission to Save Earth (1990)
Captain Planet, even though it was cancelled back in the 90's. Thank God for reruns.
I've read every book. With my super light speed totalizide reading skills I can read a full book in under 2.56 seconds.
Gaia, because she brought the Planeteers to Hope Island to help her in the battle to save earth. And of course, all the Planeteers!