WELCOME ALL,to the DOUG ALDRICH TRIBUTE..this is a completely independent,"unofficial"effort,
one of those pure labours of Love..to show
my admiration,my Love,Support,loyalty to Doug Aldrich.DOUGS OFFICIAL MYSPACE SITE IS:www.myspace.com/dougaldrich
*********************Glad to say though that my effort has the
approval of DOUG ALDRICH.. he says:"Dear Tiara,
Thats really really a nice site! Thank you very much for trying to help me and thanks so much for all your support!That looks great!Wishing you a happy and successful New Year!
Love Doug "*****************************************************Really
glad Doug approves.
E THE NEW WHITESNAKE RELEASE GOOD TO BE BADJOIN the online promo team..YOUR own little contribution to make the World..aware of DOUG..S and..Whitesnakes.. outstanding music!..is just a CLICK away!*******************************************************
CLICK :*****************************************************
T DOUG AND THE SNAKES...THANK YOU!THE WIDGET..A TASTER..from the GOOD TO BE BAD RECORDING!**************************************************
*******THE FIRST VIDEOCLIPS FROM THE 2008 WORLDTOUR!Mr.Aldrich the MIGHTY in AUSTRALIA..March 08******************************************************SYDN
EY/2008 "Bad Boys"**************************************************NEWS*
"GOOD TO BE BAD"Germany: April 18thEurope : April 21stUSA/Canada : April 22nd(more dates tba)Very excited..as my birthday happens to be on April 21st..this surely will be one of the BEST birthdaygifts I haveever received..We all know,how closely our Doug was involved in producingthis recording..it will be more amazing then ever..to havea WHITESNAKE production..after 11 years,where DOUG hasput his..very own special personal stamp on!*********************************************************
Sheffield 2006 Another great night in the company of the fabulous Sssnakes!He has been impressing me ever since I heard his very distinctive playing years ago..but,Iam quite honest..I was NOT really aware of his AMAZING talents..until I saw him LIVE onstage the first time in 2003,during the WHITESNAKE TOUR!I knew back then,that WHITESNAKE had most definetely come up with a most
fantastic JOKER..to join the new Line up..In 2004 Doug simply blew me away with his stagepresence..
and incredible playing..and ..as I was so fortunate to
meet him then the first time..I also discovered,that
this amazingly talented guy..with pure Rockstar looks..was also..a humble..softspoken,sweet unassuming charming man..
Ever since that day,the 20th of October 2004..DOUG has a fan for life in me.
I have been blessed enough,to spend time with him,offstage..and I will NEVER take this pleasure and privilege for granted!So,well, dear Doug,my sweet brother..There is NOT much,I can give BACK TO YOU..for all the good times,the pure joy and fun and the smiles..other then..my LOVE and Loyalty..and my heartfelt THANKS..
I hope you approve of this little symbol of my thanks..
dedicated to YOU..with MUCH LUV !IF YOU,the FAN want to know more about DOUG..S BACKGROUND/
carriere,guitars,style,influences etc..
please go visit either DOUG..S OFFICIAL MYSPACE SITE,OR DOUGALDRICH.COM..you will find very interesting information..
ist Douglas Layng Aldrich was born in Raleigh, North Carolina on February 19, 1964********************************************************
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Black guitar
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Black guitar
A really great site that has a very active FORUM,a chatroom,and
you can find VERY COOL official DA merchandise to purchase there as well! GO STRAIGHT TO :http://www.dougaldrich.com/html/merchandise.html
ducing a few things Doug loves..starting with..mmm..SHEPERD..S PIE..Doug is addicted to this dish..so,whenever he tours the UK..he tries to find a good pub..that serves great homemade food..
SHI! Doug..s other Food-Love is Sushi..
and as most of the other Snakes also enjoy
a Sushi dinner,a great sushi restaurant is
where you possibly may find the boys in
Whitesnake..filling their stomachs..**************************************************
******Harley Davidson Motorcycles...
Doug loves his Harley..as he is a very busy man..he has often no longer the time for his beloved long rydes..
but he sure takes every opportunity..to get out..*******************************************************
*HIS LOLITA..and other dogs,animals in general.
Doug is a big animal lover..
His lovely dog Lolita is a big part of the Aldrich household.**********************************************Guit
Guess,one must NOT explain..************************************************