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Timothy's Fans

About Me

found this music layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments*********************************************** *********Greetings... welcome to Timothy..s very own Island of friends and fans.. Walk through the corridor and stay a while... A site dedicated to Timothy Drury. Keyboardist/Vocalist/Guitarist/Songwriter/Photographer
Texture My Words..a true artist.with thanks for the wonderful gifts of his music..the smiles..the kindness..This is a TOTALLY UNOFFICIAL undertaking, a pure labour of Love.For ALL OFFICIAL information,please go to Tomothy..s official sites! **************************************************It will always be an exceptional pleasure and joy to see Timothy working on any stage.Having had the privilege to meet Timmy offstage.. I can truly state that he is a true gentleman, a pure joy to talk to,good fun and charm impersonated!Timothy will always try to have a smile and kind word for all that love him and his wonderful music..Please go to Timothy..s official myspace website myspace.com/timothydrury************************************ ***********and also to: his official website
Texture My Wordswhere you can leave messages,see some of Timmy..s fabulous photography work and DOWNLOAD some of Timothy..s WONDERFUL tunes! ****************************************************Born and raised in Los Angeles, with a famous actor father Timothy started playing the piano as a very young boy of about 5..but he was really hoping to become an architect..Timothy attended Cal State University at Northridge,studying all aspects of arts.. We are glad to say, the world of architecture has lost out, and we have gained a talented musician.. and photographer.. that is also now very much involved in the Ohio University School of Fine Arts as an artist in residencyAs of 2003 Timothy has been touring with Whitesnake and has been enjoying every moment of it. "Whitesnake is pretty much all about fun, but everybody is playing their ass off and doing that particular style of music at a very high level. We are just having the best time out there!"While working on completing his second solo album he has also become an excellent photographer over the years, working in the commercial and freelance realm.Timothy is just a wonderfully creative talented artist, that has wondrous amounts of beauty yet to share with us all..We are waiting in anticipation..Thanks,Mr.Drury..for bringing just a little more beauty into our lives!***************************************************Hel p to promote Timothy..s Band WHITESNAKE..just click on image...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

All decent,respectful people that enjoy beauty in their lives..may it be through art or music..When you get the chance one of these days,to meet Timothy in person..you will find,he is all that you expect and hope for..and more. And you will leave his company..smiling. ****************************************************

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