Baron Von Bullshit profile picture

Baron Von Bullshit


My Interests


Wire, Descendents, Ghost Family, Black Flag, Nico, Moldy Peaches, Theoretical girls, Black Lips, Blonde Redhead, Sonic youth, Devo, The Revillos, Fugazi, Bjork, The Avengers, Dvorak, Animal Collective, the Zombies, Regina Spektor


currently reading: anna karenina-tolstoy, the brothers karamazov-dostoevsky...i'm on a russian kick right now

My Blog

film not yet rated..

if anyone is going to see the film 'This Film is Not yet rated' directed by Kirby Dick, which i think will be in theaters in sept. remember to look for my name in the credits...I'm tara milch the Inte...
Posted by Baron Von Bullshit on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 12:40:00 PST

argentina pictures

these are all out of order according to my trip but i'm too lazy to put them in order, here it will be a game of you are really bored to figure it out. here we celebrated my sisters birthday with all...
Posted by Baron Von Bullshit on Fri, 13 Jan 2006 10:42:00 PST

thanksgiving in chicago

wow what a long and glorious week, lets regail on my trip with a week long recount in pictures. so when i first arrived my sister ilana and ceci were ptting a closet togther. look at their swee...
Posted by Baron Von Bullshit on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 11:00:00 PST

my LA trip

ahhh it was so nice to get away for three days from school/san francisco/everything. on plane there was a lightning storm in the clouds i tried to take pictures of it but they all came out balck just...
Posted by Baron Von Bullshit on Fri, 28 Oct 2005 12:06:00 PST


Posted by Baron Von Bullshit on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

the loves of my life

responding to mekkos post ahem so one of them is a hardcore insane heroin addicted dirty musical genius!! ahh l'amour... anton newcombe from brian jonestown he is the most beautiful thi...
Posted by Baron Von Bullshit on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST