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About Me

I was born and raised in Oregon. There are many other places I would like to see, possibly even live, but Oregon will always be home to me. I am in love with my beautiful wife. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me next to my faith in God. Honestly though, my life was completely changed for the better and all the credit goes to the most controversial name in human history, Jesus Christ. My family is also held very close to my heart and their needs will always come before my own. All I need in this world is my family and my Bible; with those two things nothing can ever bring me down.Your results:
You are Hulk Hulk 85% Iron Man 75% The Flash 45% Green Lantern 45% Robin 45% Batman 45% Supergirl 45% Wonder Woman 40% Spider-Man 40% Superman 40% Catwoman 20% You are a wanderer with
amazing strength.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...

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My Interests

BEN: Car and speed freak, drag racing, paintball, weight lifting, hiking, mountain biking, water sports, world travel, music (not MTV). Add to My Profile | More VideosMIKE TYSON BEFORE HE LOST HIS MIND

Add to My Profile | More VideosDON'T KISS A GUY BEFORE A FIGHT!!

Add to My Profile | More VideosTANK ABBOT 600 LBS BENCH PRESS!!!

Add to My Profile | More Videos YEP...MY SCION IS WAY FASTER...

Add to My Profile | More VideosHOLY CRAP!!!!!

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I'd like to meet:

Anybody, but you have to be as cool as I am.


anything and everything


Dramas, foreign films, comedy, action, independent films, sci-fi, documentaries


UFC Ultimat fighting Championship, anything on Discovery or Animal Planet, Jackass, Myth Busters, SNL, Going Tribal, OC Choppers, OPB




Jesus, my wife, The Hulk