fun, friends, laughter, encouragement, vision, adrenaline, excitement, dreams, goals and seeing the best in others.....staying in shape and family....that's a start
ambitous, motivated individuals with a great attitude that want more out of life and have fun doing it. if we do business great if not...not a big will have a great time getting to know myself and my freinds.if you have any background in the following areas, please contact me with a brief work history, experience/education summary:military leadership coaching personal training athletic background teaching background cosmetics sale self employment mortgage real estate
depends on the mood i want, rock, alternative, pop, classical, metal, christian, jazz,
spiderman, the incredibles, batman, meet the parents, gladiator, triple xxx, american pie, facing the giants, blades of glory,the secret, peaceful warrior, the ultimate gift
friends, csi, letterman, history channel, espn, comedy central
magic of thinking big, the dream giver, who moved my cheese, 5 love languages, the go getter, the worlds greatest salesman, the worlds greatest secret, the tounge a creative force, tough times dont last, tough people do, calvin and hobbs, the far side, sex communication and money, fit to be tied, the personality tree, if only he knew, how to win friends and influence people, develop the leader within, develop the leaders around you, leadership 101, 21 irrefutable laws of leadership, confidence and power in dealing with people, rich dad poor dad,
jesus, my parents greg duncan, david shores, brad duncan, dean "the man" kosage, mom and dad, the rock, abe lincoln, ronald reagan, clint eastwood, winston churchill, the founding fathers of our incredible country, all the studs and studettes that have served in our armed forces and helped preserve our freedoms. people that stand for and do the right things