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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But Faith looks up

About Me

Alright so here is my story: I grew up in Texas till I was five then moved to Germany with my parents (dad in the Air Force and mom German). I loved living there and want to go back to visit some day soon. I was fortunate to be able travel a bit when I was over there so I've been to France, Austria, Denmark, and Luxemburg. This time around I want to hit up more of the Western side of Europe (Italy, Spain etc.) Then right as I hit my teens I moved back to the states to the state of WA. Did some sports: track and field, gymnastics, b-ball (not to great at it). Hung out there till I was 19 and then moved to Portland and have been here ever since. I have made PDX my home and don't plan on leaving any time soon.I just recently got married (yey) to an awesome guy so we are in the process of building our happy little nest, with the help of God/Jesus of course.No pets or house yet but we we are havin a baby : ) We are soooooo excited for the journey ahead. And I can not wait to see Ben holding the baby. He is going be an incredible father, I know this because he's already an amazing husband.

My Interests

Reading, dancing, outdoor activities, movies, meeting new people, traveling, eating, hanging with friends including of course my husband, eating some more, being involved in things greater than myself

I'd like to meet:

Old friends, new ones, new moms, seasoned moms, possible business partners, clients, people with dreams and visions that they want to turn into reality....In case your wondering my husband and I own our own networking company. Being as such we are always on the lookout for positive, outgoing, and determined individuals who love being apart of an awesome team. I can't even explain the changes I've been through (for the better) and the amazing people Ben and I have befriended because of our association. It has been a definite growing experience and it's only really just begun. I can not wait to see the person I will become; as a woman in Christ, wife, mother, and friend. Case in point it doesn't matter where you've been, it matters where your going...
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Sarah McLachlin is one of my favorites,Shawn McDonald, U2, Dave Matthews, Alica Keys, Five O'clock People, Etta James, Jars of Clay,Sade, Yo Yo Ma...


Foreign flicks, dramas, comedies, definitely not horror (to much of a wimp), action, animation, Disney, true life stories...


Don't watch to much T.V. but when I do and if I had cable I'd watch: Extreme Makeover House Edition, Myth Busters, anything on Discovery or Animal Planet, UFC (that's Ben's fault), OC Choppers, most anything on TLC, movie channel


Wild at Heart, anything John Maxwell, Genisis-Revelations, Harry Potter, The Five Love Languages, Lovely Bones (first chapter's the hardest to get through)...,Finding the Hero in Your Husband, The Belly Book (it's really a journal for expecting mom's but it so much fun to fill out and write down all those precious memories)


My husband, my mom...Jesus has his own catagory: Father, Lord, Savior, Warrior,the list goes on. He's the only reason I am not only here but where a I am today and with whom I am surrounded by.