I'm not sure now. I used to play online video games for 20 years. I was so addicted to them, but I've finally gotten tired of them. They seem boring now. I also like Billiards (which I'm VERY good at), and football(secret project at work there)---------And a game I played off and on for over 7 years... Heroes of Might and Magic. Such an intellectually challenging game in it's time.
Oprah- She's a very "centered" person, and you just feel like you could talk to her for hours, due to her personality./----Hulk Hogan- Only one reason.. If I meet him, that means I made it onto the American Gladiators show! :P/----Chris Metzen (Blizzard Creative Director)- I'd like to share my imagination with him concerning story ideas dealing with the World of Warcraft genre./----A.R.T. - I'd like to meet her again. She was the only woman I have ever truly known that I loved. Regardless if she has a family and all of that now, it would just be nice to see her again to wash away the past memories.----My Mom - She died from cancer 2 years ago, and I've missed her a lot since then. I used to really enjoy just calling her after a hard days work and joking around with her on the phone to hear her laugh. Why someone that wonderful has to be taken away from this world, is beyond my understanding.----Barrack O'bama- Such an inspiring person, and the only true chance this country has, in my opinion, to help the U.S. rebuild its economic and social status with the rest of the world.------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------ And after 12 years, I'm trying desperately to meet me again. The "me" that I lost in this cruel and cold world for so many years.---------------------. This video is kind of corny but its lyrics and music I think represent me and my inner drive :P-------------Regi ft Scala "I Fail"
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Forrest Gump, Rudy, Lord of the Rings,Aliens(second one), and World of Warcraft(the movie in my head that I have created using the storyline of the World of Warcraft game). My movie could actually be EPIC if it could be translated from my mind to the big screen.
------------------------------------------------ Discovery channel, MSNBC for news, Daily Show :P, Sometimes the History Channel. Oh and Friends (hate it that their gone now)Oh! and last but not least... D B Z ! :P I know...venturing outside my age group lol
The Great and Secret Show, Presumed Innocent, Heritage of Shannara 4 book series, The Lion-The Witch-and the Wardrobe
My mom...even though she lost her battle against cancer, she's still my hero--------------------Iron Man..... I used to collect Iron Man comic books as a teenager, and I still have them gathering dust somewhere! :P----------Oh ! and Sir Murkalot here!