I am a single dad, raising my son all these years on my own has changed my vision of the world we live in. His compassion to everything that surrounds us, every animal, every flower, every living thing, living the moment when he almost got killed trying to save a random dog from getting hit by a car. I remember i had never been so mad in my life and as he looked into the fury in my eyes he told me, “now you can kill me dad i saved some oneâ€, i wanted to scream “that was just a stupid dog†but i didn’t. He explained to me why he did it and i cried, from that moment on i want to dedicate every day of my life to make a better world for the kids he will bring and every kid that is putting his innocent feet on this planet. I don’t think there is that much that we can do about the past but learn from it.
There is definitely a lot that we can do about the future. I know my generation and his generation are the ones that will determine how much longer the human race and every other creature we share in this planet today is going to last. For thousands of years we have been abusing and destroying this planet. If we don’t do something now there will be no tomorrow. Im vegan i dont eat nothing the come from animals because our food choices have direct impact upon our health and upon the health of our planet is very simple, just living this life the best i can.
I have been blessed to have so many real friends. I’m probably one of a few people who has never been stabbed in the back by a friend. I’m impressed with all the talented people with whom i have crossed paths in life. I’m a people person. I love people; i hate violence and take it very personally. I cannot tolerate abuse of any kind. I cannot just let it go if i see it. I have been abused so i can’t just let it go. I will give my life to stop all the violence and abuse going on in this world and i will live my life trying to make a change. I want to retire teaching people how to love one another, how to do good to others for their own soul without any expectations, just love. If we all just love one another all the violence and abuse that we deal with today will be far gone. It’s not about what god we follow or what bible we read or what religion is best, it’s about what we do to make this world a better