I love yoga practice, modern dance, and lindy hop. Nature, my man, raw foods, and massage. Painting, gardening, knitting, and hiking. i love hiking.
La Quinta Estacion, lilly allen, krishna das, joni mtchell, Hana, glen velez, ravi shankar, System of a Down, Fleetwood Mac, Audioslave, steve roach, peter fand, van morrison, royal society jazz orchestra, bjork, ani d, tori, sarah, shakira, paulina rubio, deee-lite, bing crosby, cumbia, Hawaiian, music of the world, midnite, house music, ambient, drum'n bass.
harold and maude, the philadelphia story, my fair lady, laurel and hardy, king of hearts, the breakfast club, goonies, the sound of music, the parent trap
inside the actors studio, Planet Earth, el simpsons, escandolo tv, Nitido, and WEEDS
bringers of the dawn, path of empowerment:barbara marciniak. calvin and hobbes. the red tent. the dharma bums, on the road: jack kerouac. rumi. pablo neruda. spalding gray. david sedaris. sarah vowell. italo calvino. a new earth: eckhart tolle.