Music (If it sounds good, it is good); Writing; History; Eating a weakness; Movies; Music Hall, Vaudeville & Burlesque. Suits, jackets and ties. Being on the ocean, reading about it, and watching whales. A good strong cup of Typhoo or a nice Earl Grey.
All a youse, and...... and toy soldier generals worldwide.
Bix Beiderbecke, The Cramps, The Foundations, Eddie Lang and Joe Venuti, all Phil Spector's girl groups, Vince Giordano and the Nighthawks, Helen Shapiro, Robert Gordon, *all* the Mersey beat bands, Fanfare Ciorcarlia, The Kinks, Fats Waller, Portishead, Orbital, Django Reinhardt and Stephan Grapelli, the Beau Hunks, Gracie Fields, Taraf de Haidouks, Fletcher Henderson, Istanbul Ensemble, Neil Innes, Virginia O'Brien, and too many others to list.
Movie-obsessed. I love all of them, good and bad.Black Narcissus, Withnail and I, The Enemy Below, the Red Shoes, Enter the Dragon, and the old Pride and Prejudice (Jennifer Ehle, *not* Keira Knightly).Tops - Powell and Pressbuger, John Ford, Jules Dassin, Martin Scorcese, Nicole Holofcener, Derek Jarman, Mary Harron, Buster Keaton, Alexander MacKendrick, Ealing, Boulting, old Warners, and anything Tilda Swinton puts her mind to.
As long as there are movies on television - otherwise, the Office, 30 Rock and PBS...
Just now on the nightstand: "Cryptonomicon" by Neal Stephenson and "The Sicilian Vespers" by Runciman; up next, "The New Life" by Orhan Pamuk. Favorites are Dickens, Melville, Wodehouse, Waugh, Pamuk, Jane Austen, George Orwell, Stephen Fry, "In the Heart of the Sea" by Nathaniel Philbrick, and "Parliament of Fowles" by Chaucer - really.
All of the above and Mehmet il Fatih.