PNFA profile picture


Anorexic giant, cyclic deadbeat and popular pariah

About Me

You and Me EP:
You and Me is an experimental open source remix project, aimed to produce an online EP which features the finesttalents of underground electronica. Please visit for moreinformation. The deadline for entries has been reached by the first of August 2007. I will continue posting the remaining remixes, that have been handed inand afterwards make a selection of tracks which will be released on the final EP. So keep your eyes and ears open!
17. Tyrezz Project Remix | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | download | info
16. Kay Grove Dub | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | download | info
15. Bubblelawn Uneedme Remix | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download | info
14. Deymare Remix | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | download | info
13. Plain and Simple Remix by Odd One Out | hifi prev | lofiprev. | download | info
12. Hue N Mi Glix R3mix | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download | info
11. Tektonik's Dringender Bedarf Mix | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download | info
10. Soulbrother's Paradice Super Strut Mix | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download | info
09. Synthetic Movements Remix | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download | info
08. Jotch's I Need You Remix | hifi prev | lofiprev. | download | info
07. Flesh Eating Foundation Remix | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download | info
06. Soul Brother's Paradice Nighttime Dub | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download | info
05. Brenz CAB Ride | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | download | info
04. Saigon Project's Dryout Remix | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download | info
03. You and Me (Down Together) | hifi prev. | lofi prev.| download | info
02. You and Me (Lost Each Other in the Club) | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download | info
01. You and Me (Original) | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download | info
Here's a couple of non-commercial remixes and collaborations I made for/with and some which were made by other artists forme. Commercial remixes are only available on the corresponding releases / label/ artist websites.
Remixes for other artists
Beat Milk Juggs - Caxap (PNFA Remix) | hifi prev. | lofi prev.
Sunburn in Cyprus - Out of Sight (PNFA Remix) | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download
Sunburn in Cyprus - Now the Wind (PNFA Square Dub Remix) | hifi prev. | lofiprev.
Sunburn in Cyprus - Busy Day on the Beach (PNFARemix) | hifi prev. | lofi prev.
Kay Grove - Brothers (PNFA Remix) | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | download
Dachstube - Wenn du mich fragst (PNFA Remix) | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download
joTch - Children of God (PNFA Remix) | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download
Flesh Eating Foundation - Deepest Cut (and Paste) | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download
DBRO - Why? (PNFA Remix) | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | download
DBRO - Are you Crazy? (PNFA Remix) | hifi prev. | lofi prev.| download
Coco Street - Cosmic Butterfly (PNFA Remix) | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download
Digital Beat - Electronichan (PNFA Remix) | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download
Modo Azul - Moon Dawn (PNFA Remix) | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download

Remixes by other artists
Blinded Glass Breaks Better... (Beat MilkJugs Rmx) | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | download
Around the Plate (JoTch's Ice Remix) | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | download
Around the Plate (Sunburn in Cyprus Remix) | hifi prev. | lofiprev.
Crushed by Velvet with Japanese Seizure Robots |hifi prev. | lofi prev. | download
Outside with Japanese Seizure Robots & MoonCar | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | download
Truth feat. Mr. Feng | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | download
The Symbiot with Oozish | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | download
Movespace with DBRO | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | download
Free albums:
PNFA - Blaustich
(c) 2000 Wolfram Gruss / Giftzwergwerk
Genre: Drum'n'Bass, Techstep
Blaustich is a pure killer. This album goes straight forward with an previously unheard massive set of wicked basslines,nasty sounds and ultra fast breakbeats. It goes right where it is supposed to go: in your feet and your b...ehind. Energizing, aggressive, dark but notmissing melodies and athmosphere. Tracks like Blaustich or Godlike Child add their distinctive color to the drum'n'bass and tech step canvas. Sometimes itworks through complex drum programming in the opener Assassin for example, sometimes through pure simplicity with hard beats and basses like in Causes. Thewhole album was programmed on an Amiga 1200 using an uncomfortable tracker software with just a Yamaha A3000 sampling unit and a Yamaha CS1x connected to itlong before software synthesis made everything easy.
01. Assassin | hifi prev.| lofi prev. | free download
02. Causes | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | free download
03. Blaustich | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | free download
04. Necrosum | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | free download
05. Tiefpunkt | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | free download
06. Exit(Invading Another Dimension) | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | free download
07. Godlike Child | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | free download
08. Aus einer anderen Welt | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | free download
09. Blaustich(Outro) | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | free download

PNFA - Popular Nightmare Folk Art
(c) 1999 Wolfram Gruss / Giftzwergwerk
Genre: Drum'n'Bass, Techstep
Popular Nightmare Folk Art was the first excursion into the drum'n'bass world in the history of PNFA. The dark butenergizing athmosphere that was discovered during the production soon became one of the trademarks of Wolfram Gruss which is why artist name and album nameare the same. The album mixes rather relaxing jungle styles that can be heard in the tracks Taifun and While Your Head Sleeps based upon melodic vibes andnot that fast rhythms with driving, purely dark and fast tech step beats like in No Song For Jill or Driven by Instinct. The music works perfectly on thedancefloor but it never lacks a deeper going vibe. The whole album was programmed on an Amiga 1200 using an uncomfortable tracker software with just a YamahaA3000 sampling unit and a Yamaha CS1x connected to it long before software synthesis made everything easy.
01. Lama | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | free download
02. Taifun | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | free download
03. Driven by Instinct | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | free download
04. Subspace | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | free download
05. Box With Open End | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | free download
06. Pneumonia | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | free download
07. No Song For Jill | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | free download
08. While Your Head Sleeps | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | free download
09. Box With Open End | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | free download

PNFA - The Urban Music Box
(c) 1997 Wolfram Gruss / Giftzwergwerk
Genre: Big Beat, Triphop
The Urban Music Box is the first more widely publishedPNFA album (after the trance album Somewhere Safe that is not going to be republished anymore). Sticking basically to a driving and dark Prodigy-like stylethis longplayer combines jungle and breakbeat elements with straight forward going basslines but not lacking a good load of athmospheric mellow vibes andbeautiful clear melodies. Sometimes it is fast right going into the listeners body, sometimes it even moves into a more loungey triphop athmosphere for themind - never being shy and open to experiments with vocals and sound programming. A complete and homogeneous work from the beginning to the end.
01. Stubbed | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | free download
02. Permanent | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | free download
03. Several Thousand Lamps | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | free download
04. New York Fairytale | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | free download
05. Got Stuck in a Mortuary | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | free download
06. Powederhead | hifi prev.| lofi prev. | free download
07. Joker | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | free download
08. Sublevel | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | free download
09. Past Perfect (The Urban Music Box) | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | free download
10. To Be Fair | hifi prev.| lofi prev. | free download

Check out more videos at my profile.
PNFA - Seize (2007)
This is a music video for the track "Seize", that is the title track of an upcoming five track EP, which is about to be released on the Frankfurt, Germany based house label Deepwise (see for more information). The EP will be available for free download and for a small charge also on CD very soon. The music has a light summer feel to it, but also a longing athmosphere. That is why I picked the theme "beach" for it and created it in a way, that the style reminds of nostalgic super 8 video material. Yet since this is electronic club music, the editing style is fast and modern.
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PNFA and Japanese Seizure Robots - Crushed by Velvet (2007)
This video was made for the track Crushed by Velvet which is a collaboration between PNFA and Japanese Seizure Robots. The whole clip was produced with Adobe After FX and Adobe Photoshop using still photography and paintings, that were animated and put into a virtual 3D room.
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Mi:GFU - Human Grid (2007)
A video produced at University for my side project MI:GFU ( which features fantastic stages and Mario Tran Phuc as a robo dancer. We tried to do a compositing without any bluescreen just by building an After FX composition around the real, filmed footage. Some people might think that tree looks like out of Aronowsky's "The Fountain"...right, that was quite an inspiration here.
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The music and all other contents of PNFA are available for licensing for all possible purposes such as background music for any media, releasing on compilations, singles or albums, or other types of public exposure. A debateable fee is required for any commercial use. Non-commercial use might be cost free depending on the case. Internet/ air radio and netlabel mixes do not require a license at any time if they are non-commercial. If you are interested in using any PNFA music or other content for your purposes, please send an e-mail to: [email protected] and ask for prices.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/19/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Wolfram Gruss

PNFA is the creative audio output of Wolfram Gruss's mind. He was born on July 07.07.1980 in Wasserlos, Bavaria, Germany which is an insignificant 3000 inhabitants village near Frankfurt - the financial centre of Europe and also the place where a person called Andreas Tomalla invented in 1982 the word techno to describe a couple of electronic music styles while working and sorting vinyls in a record store. Right when techno slowly developed into the type of independent music, that it still is these days, Wolfram became incredibly obsessed by the thought of creating his own compositions, after hearing the first releases on the radio. At the age of nine he started taping every bit of electronic music and created his own remixes just with a double cassette recorder. Meanwhile Andreas Tomalla became Talla 2XLC and together with Tillmann Uhrmacher he lead through the Mainz based radio show "Maximal" which was a pioneer project in Germany and the only source for him to listen to this new, exciting underground music. Wolfram spent uncountable hours of listening and taping and labelling the tapes and anxiously waiting for the following Friday evening when the next volume was aired. The only way he could do his own music was by playing on the piano in the house as well as on a half finished organ his dad constructed himself. He loved the sound of it because it just had saw tooth waves and some filter switches which made it almost sound like the rhythmic noises that were aired so rarely at that time. This way he also taught himself how to play the keys. The popularity of techno increased dramatically soon and it became a fashion to split it up into sub categories like trance or ridiculous sub sub categories like piano trance which is when in 1992 he bought a used Commodore Amiga 500 from a friend for 400 Deutschmarks and on one of the hundreds of 3,5 software inch disks labelled "Amiga Apetizers" a simple composing software was stored. This finally opened up a real possibility for Wolfram to let out the so long collected ideas. His first attempts disappointed him massively though. On the one hand it was of course the fault of 8 bit sound quality and only two stereo channels which he used as 4 mono channels, the limited choice of sounds and the dullness of the software, but on the other hand he would have never expected that it is so much work and so difficult to produce music. Instead of giving it up he became even more crazy about it and bought himself a tiny sound cartridge for his Amiga that allowed him to record his own samples and switched to a tracker software called "Pro Tracker". That was a highly complicated thing because it was only numbers and hexadecimal codes, since these kind of tools were originally created for programmers to add music to computer games. His strong will helped him with ideas of how to get really the best possible sound out of the still little possibilities and soon the first tracks that did not have to hide behind professional productions were recorded on cassettes and spread among his friends as well as given to the DJ of the only disco in the area.

Still being kind of isolated by living in the country, he was 14 when he first learned about affordable real studio equipment. He started working as a paperboy for a whole year saving every penny until he was able to afford his first synthesizer, a Yamaha CS1x - a machine made for techno. Again the limited polyphony and especially the fact that it did not sound like a Roland TB 303 - it was the acid wave at that time - were not quite satisfying. This for he kept going and tweaking and combined it with the beats of his Amiga software creating a huge amount of trance tracks that still do not have to hide. At the same time techno became too popular and this for nothing special anymore and bored him. Since all of a sudden there was Prodigy and the Chemical Brothers he began experimenting with break- and hiphop beats. After having worked as an assistant gardener in the local hospital during school holidays he also was able to afford a professional Sampler - the Yamaha A3000. It did not have a hard drive so he worked with 3,5 HD disks which was a lot of pain. In these days he read the novel "Virtual Light" by William Gibson. In some chapter of the book a form of future art is mentioned which is called "Popular Nightmare Folk Art". It depicts all kind of corny sculptures and accessories, that were made of old human corpses. Wolfram suffered at that time from a severe depression of finding his identity and was fascinated by dark stuff anyway. So he adapted this name as his artist name because he thought it totally reflects the darkness and at the same time beauty of his music. He started painting like a madman at that time, too, which was a way to let out his frustration about feeling misunderstood by friends, who were mostly into Heavy Metal and played in cover bands giving Wolfram the feeling they were superior, because they made music by playing real instruments. So he taught all himself guitar, drums, bass and flutes just to prove a point and continued producing his tracks until the first PNFA album "The Urban Music Box" was born.

To his surprise the track "Past Perfect" became kind of cult in the abandoned contractor's shed that was converted into a meeting point by him and his friends. Naively Wolfram sent out tape demos with handwritten letters to his favourite labels, but never got an answer. In 1997 Grooverider came to Germany and played a drum'n'bass set on the radio that included almost the whole album colours by Adam F. This was as new and exciting to him as techno was back in the early nineties and it just sounded right as the kind of music that should be stamped with PNFA. He began experimenting and producing and the two albums Popular Nightmare Folk Art and Blaustich were born, including custom self made cover artworks which he sold in local second hand record stores and among his friends. He continued using a Commodore Amiga - meanwhile an A1200 equipped with another tracker- software called Octamed 5.4 Professional which had 64 midi tracks - until the year 2001 when he did his year of civil service in Bonn, Germany. The quality he got out of his still simple setup was surprising to everyone since the producers he learned to know in that time all switched to IBM's and "real" production software and machines. So finally he bought himself a PC, too and together with it a copy of Fruity Loops 3. That blew him away. Suddenly there was no more limitation in track numbers, no more latency, no more limitation in sound quality. He was also heavily influenced by Kruder and Dorfmeister as well as Portishead, which is why he tried himself as triphop artist. "Le Temps Perdu" was born and with it the diversity of styles that can be found on the later album "Meter Fusion". Suddenly he also had internet and there was Without thinking he would gain any recognition, he just published a couple of tracks. A year later he found himself with almost 100.000 downloads/plays, several first and second prizes for remix contests and on two world wide sold compilations next to artists like Sofa Surfers and Badmarsh and Shri. He published his tracks on more and more portals and sold CDs over them as well as continuing in the local music stores.

In 2001 Wolfram also began his three year apprenticeship for photography in Aschaffenburg, Germany where he met DJ Organi, Flashbaxx and T.Patton among which he also played his first real live gigs in the local youth center Jukuz. After several years of making people move on festivals and in clubs they founded in 2005 the "Sonic Soul Divison" which became a very popular live act always featuring guest instrumentalists, and singers as well as often pairing up with the percussion duo Royal Opposition. Even though Wolfram meanwhile tried almost every professional studio software, such as Cubase or Emagic Logic he always found his way back to Fruity Loops. Probably that is because it was a tracker itself in the beginning of its development. He taught himself everything about dynamics beginning 2003 which gave him lots of new ideas and lead to the album Popular Abandoned Correspondency, which was a collaboration with the bass player S|C of He became obsessed by tangible frequencies and by creating his own virtual instruments and sounds, always in search for the richest but still clear arrangements. In 2004 he started studying Media Production in Darmstadt and since he was always a very visual person, too he now focuses a lot on design and film making, but still continues publishing tracks on mp3 portals, compilations and works for labels like, MYX Records, Merging Records and D'lectable. He already made tons of remixes and worked out soundtracks for theater plays as well as for the fashion company René Lezard since a couple of years. Page hits and song plays reached 7 digit numbers already and PNFA can be found almost everywhere in the internet. Meanwhile there is no limitation in the genre of electronic music, even though it is mainly aimed for the clubs with a focus on house, nu jazz, breakbeats, triphop and drum'n'bass. Still the PNFA trademark is a deep, brilliant and very often dark sound. To be continued...

Sounds Like:
PNFA albums:
Buy single PNFA tracks via Paypal or entire CDs via . If you don't have a paypal account yet check out for more information. It is easily set up and 100 % secure. Paid downloads are provided by .

PNFA - Vogue_03
(c) 2007 Wolfram Gruss / Giftzwergwerk
Genre: Triphop, Electro, House, Lounge

Vogue_03 is the third compilation album with PNFA tracks that have been originally produced for the fashion companyRené Lezard. The mixture reaches from purely danceable, minimalistic electro club tracks like I'm nota Poet over wonderfully energetic and driving melodic arrangements like Mind No Gap to relaxing, oriental chillout music like A Break in the Clouds. Thisalbum is a quite wild bunch of different styles but it certainly does not lack a homogeneous sound that sticks it together. It is relaxing and energizing atthe same time but also does not lack a sense of humour.

01. Ride | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99Eur
02. Star Wire | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
03. Mind no Gap | hifi prev.| lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
04. A Break in the Clouds | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
05. Green Eyed | hifi prev.| lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
06. Fight the Feeling | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
07. Soul Fly | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
08. Cheeks | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
09. I'm not a Poet | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
10. Kitchen Wings | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,50 Eur

Buy this album on CD for 14,99 US $

PNFA - Vogue_02
(c) 2006 Wolfram Gruss / Giftzwergwerk
Genre: Triphop, Nu-Jazz, House, Big Beat, Lounge

Vogue_02 is the second compilation album withPNFA tracks that have been originally produced for several promotions by the fashion company RenéLezard. This is at home in the club and in your living room at the same time. Clearly forward going rhythms accompany beautiful melodies and vibes.Sometimes the music shows a relaxing, mellow side in tracks like Underground River or Tumble Weed, sometimes it just kicks your behind with uplifting soundsand wild basslines in tracks like Maria and 111. Also the jazzy numbers Get it on or Close to You play an important role to fullfill a sound picture ofvariety which is yet in a distinctive colour scheme.

01. Maria | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99Eur
02. Painted Woof | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
03. 111 | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
04. Get it on | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
05. Underground River | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
06. Close to you | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
07. Optical Encounter | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
08. Kara | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
09. Blue | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
10. Tumble Weed | hifi prev.| lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur

Buy this album for 14,99 US $

PNFA - Vogue_01
(c) 2005 Wolfram Gruss / Giftzwergwerk
Genre: Lounge, Bossa Nova, Latin

Vogue_01 is the first compilation album with PNFAtracks that have been originally produced for several fashion promotions by the company René Lezard.It is probably the lightest album coming out of the house and totally leaves the Nightmare in PNFA behind. Easy, light mellow vibes, all kinds of acousticand amplified instruments among athmospheric percussion and vocals. A lot of jazz elements are embedded, especially in tracks like Jo-Jo Player but also thisis the first time to receive funk from this sender like Fiberfunk or Theme for a Lazy Sunday. Still a bit dark in some sequences this perfectly establishesin any lounge or living room.

01. From Sunrise to Sunrise | hifi prev. | lofiprev . | buy for 0,99 Eur
02. Jo-Jo Player | hifiprev. | lofi prev . | buy for 0,99 Eur
03. Late Night Show | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
04. Salt | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
05. Theme for a Lazy Sunday | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
06. Come to Shoretown | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
07. Pleasant Walk to the Grocery Store | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
08. Fiberfunk | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
09. I Have a Good Feeling About This | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
10. Second Sunrise | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
11. Going Out | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur

Buy this album on CD for 14,99 US $

PNFA / S|C - Popular Abandoned Correspondency
(c) 2003 Wolfram Gruss / Ingo Schiffner/ Giftzwergwerk/ K|o|n|s|t|r|u|x
Genre: Triphop, Tribal

Popular Abandoned Correspondency is the 6th PNFA studio album. It delivers quite a different style compared to previousworks, what certainly comes from the influence of Ingo Schiffner / S|C of K|O|N|S|T|R|U|X ( ) who has delivered the basslines for thetracks. It opens up dark but also beautiful places in the listeners mind. It is epic and not without tails and claws. Each track runs deep with subtlemelodies among huge athmospheric rooms, sometimes tribal percussion and haunting voices in unknown languages. You will never really know what comes aroundthe corner. People who listened to the CD often compared it to Massive Attack and Future Sounds of London and there are certainly a lot of similarities inthe way of musical expression, but still it has its own unique and distinctive sound. Tracks like Blinded Glass Breaks Better Ways and Headlights Flashingmade it to the top ten of numerous mp3 download sites despite their huge length and edgeyness.

01. Headlights Flashing | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
02. Around the Plate | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
03. Sunset Valley | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
04. Half Emptied | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
05. Blue Light | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
06. St. Elm's Fire | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
07. Mind Rewind | hifi prev.| lofi prev. | buy for 0,50 Eur
08. Blinded Glass Breaks Better Ways | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
09. River Grave | hifi prev.| lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
10. Tunnel | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur

Buy this album on CD for 14,99 US $

PNFA - Meter Fusion
(c) 2002 Wolfram Gruss / Giftzwergwerk
Genre: Triphop, Drum'n'Bass, Lounge

Meter Fusion is the logical sequel to Le Temps Perdu as it comes along in a lazy, loungey style, but not without a lot offurther developement. Partly it continues the dark, crawling triphop style, but also tracks like Taxidriving and Urgent Message add an uplifting upspeedjungle experience. 53 Meter nach unten marks a little revolution in PNFA history as it was the first track with pure electro and idm influences amongacoustic guitar melodies. A very complex and beautiful track. Also experiments with a 3/4 step in Little Shoe are perfectly integrated. Huge, athmosphericrooms and haunting voices in Neather Limited build the bridge towards the following longplayer Popular Abandoned Correspondency. With 13 tracks and a runningtime of almost 74 minutes it is the longest PNFA album ever. Meter Fusion can also be found as opener track of Swear Head Vol. 1 (Swearhead UK) among artistslike Sofa Surfers or Ulver.

01. Meter Fusion | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
02. Drop | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
03. Taxidriving | hifi prev.| lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
04. 53 Meter nach unten | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
05. Fadeaway | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
06. My Parents are not at Home | hifi prev. | lofiprev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
07. Destrict | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
08. Little Shoe | hifi prev.| lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
09. Urgent Message | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
10. Lemon Sky | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
11. Different Village | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
12. Never Fall | hifi prev.| lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
13. Neather Limited | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur

Buy this album on CD for 14,99 US $

PNFA - Le Temps Perdu
(c) 2001 Wolfram Gruss / Giftzwergwerk
Genre: Triphop

Le Temps Perdu was a little revolution regarding the work of PNFA. Unlike the first three heavy and fast drum andbass and big beat albums The Urban Music Box, Popular Nightmare Folk Art and Blaustich this longplayer opens up a whole new world of athmospheric downtempoand triphop tracks with a loungey, sometimes dark and melancholic athmosphere. Going down to even 60 bpm and with a lot of nu jazz and dub influences this isa little pleasant and never boring sound adventure. Tracks like Veeb and Mana Madeire already stayed on top of several download charts for months (Veeb was 1for over three months in the dub charts at before it went commercial and Mana Madeire was the most downloaded track in the triphop charts for over 5 months) while Lanetama got a release on several chillout compilations.

01. Mana Madeire | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
02. Lanetama | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
03. Somata | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
04. Rue de Moi | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
05. Veeb | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
06. 2:46 pm | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
07. Maya | hifi prev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
08. Terra Negra | hifi prev.| lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
09. Le Temps Perdu | hifiprev. | lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur
10. Tihuana | hifi prev. |lofi prev. | buy for 0,99 Eur

Buy this album on CD for 14,99 US $

Record Label: Tracks available for licensing, unsigned.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New Music Video: Flashbaxx - Changing Tides (2008)

Flashbaxx - Changing Tides (2008) ..In mein Profil übernehmen | Mehr VideosI made a new music video for my friend Flashbaxx. It's the first release out of his new EP that is also called "...
Posted by PNFA on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 05:59:00 PST

Joe Eskimo - New 3D Movie Project

In case anybody is interested in what I've been up to lately, i'm working together with Max Riess and Mario Tran phuc on my bachelor project with the working title "Joe Eskimo". It's going to be a lit...
Posted by PNFA on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 05:55:00 PST

Crushed by Velvet on Merging Records Mixtape A

The incredible collaboration between PNFA and Japanese Seizure Robots from Austin, Texas, USA is now available as part of the compilation Merging Mixtape A published and distributed by Merging Records...
Posted by PNFA on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 07:53:00 PST

The Janitor on French Video DVD Compilation "Le Cube Nr. 2" of the Talents label

I'm happy to announce that my animated shortfilm "The Janitor" is being released as part of the next special edition DVD compilation of the art label Talents in collaboration with the French digital a...
Posted by PNFA on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 12:23:00 PST

The Hive - Myspace Exclusive Sneak Peak to Vogue_04

I've posted a little exclusive sneak preview free song called "The Hive" to my myspace profile ( ). Like Vogue_01 - 03 the album features about 10 tracks that were pro...
Posted by PNFA on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 07:30:00 PST

The Janitor as Part of the latest podcast

Again news about the "Janitor": My little animated short movie is being featured on the latest issue of the German video Podcast That's a really cool internet TV channel created by 3 very...
Posted by PNFA on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 12:22:00 PST

The Janitor screening at the M Bar in Los Angeles, California, USA on March 6th 2008

The just founded arts and entertainment company Slope Entertainment from Los Angeles honors me with a screening of my animated short "The Janitor" among other short films during their first event call...
Posted by PNFA on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 12:20:00 PST

No more Stage6

Some of you might already have taken notice, but is shutting down due to too much expenses. Very sad!!! So i apologize, since my videos and movies will not be available for high quality dow...
Posted by PNFA on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 12:19:00 PST

"Nine Directions (Forwards)" and "Green Eyed" used in Riu Hotels image film.

Thanks to Daniel Stenger of BaxxBeatMusic ( ) the PNFA tracks Green Eyed and Nine Directions (Forwards) are part of the soundtrack of a 2008 Riu Hotels image film. Now Nine...
Posted by PNFA on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 12:17:00 PST

PNFA - Seize EP out now on Deepwise

"Seize" is a 3 track progressive deep house EP that is out now on the Frankfurt based netlabel Deepwise. Many of you probably already know the track from the promotional video. Since the dee...
Posted by PNFA on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 08:27:00 PST