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As a person I thrive on being challenged but, not to gain me. I am very honest and loyal to all I come in contact with. I am a mother of two and a devoted wife. I am a GOD fearing woman. I believe in being totally honest, true to myself and others.I don't like being rushed or forced to give an opinion before I have ruminated and digested the idea.I love to travel and read all types of Spiritual books. I like to keep my mind sharp and my focus on GOD.I love a good laugh from deep within. I am very creative and always taking on new challenges. I love to make gift baskets for any occassions and a little secret( I love to sing).I also did work in modeling for Boca Models and Embrace Magazine. I am an entrepreneur of my very own Basket Business SheerPurrfection and I have been Blessed to Author and Publish 3 Spiritual, Motivating and Healing books. My first book titled "Chipping Away At The Soul Of Me was released in November 2006. My second book titled " The Perfect Gift"/ Have you ever woke up and said"This Is Not My Life?" was released in April 2007. My third book titled " When Life Pushes You To The Edge" was released in September 2007. You could order all my books at WWW.CHIPPINGAWAYATTHESOULOFME.COM and receive a personal autograph and a gift from me. But, it wouldn't be fair for me to take this credit for all my Blessings, it was only due to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Through Him all things are possible who stregthens me. I also speak at schools for the children,prisons,church,sheltors,hospitals and anywhere I feel I could make a difference. I am now full-time working for the Lord. By the way I almost forgot I am retired at 42! God has been so good to me!
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