My family of course always comes first and is my greatest interest. Music and specifically playing bass guitar. I really enjoy playing bass more than anything. Playing is more than a hobby for me............I genuinely love it. I've been at it a good while and try to improve every day. When a group of individuals gets in that zone, it's like nothing else I've ever experienced. I regret that I can't spend more time working in the band though a plan is in place to change all of that.
All fans of .end of story. All of my friends on myspace. Any genuine human being. Carl Eichman, Tim Brown. All of the bands I love.
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Born and raised on rock. Way too many influences to list them all. Early influences were Grand Funk Railroad, Steppenwolf, Black Sabbath, Kiss, Three Dog Night, Van Halen to name a few. I am currently enjoying: Dark New Day, Kings X, Cassiopia, Carl Eichman, and .end of story! I surfe the web for bass players who have mastered the fret board and this great instrument. I'm amazed at the talent out there and i am humbled by it. I have a plan and a vision that I will some day be one of those musicians that some other hopeful bass player will be talking about.These guys are great and are awesome human beings. Check them out!
Any movie that keeps me interested befor I fall asleep.
NFL, some news.
Apt Pupil, The Bretheren. Fiction is what I read when I read other than work related stuff.
All of the U.S. armed forces all over the world for protecting my freedoms. My son Devin. He inspires me to stay at it every day. He lives his life without worrying about material gain, or selfishness. My sister who literally saved my life in my darkest hour. My father-in law, Bob (RIP)the most selfless, giving man I've ever known. SKOT REED. Skot is my best friend and my brother for life. He inspires me in many ways way beyond music. He's the true friend that can be missing for years and when reunited it's just like the time never passed. My daughter Whitney, who with a little help from good old Dad, over came tremendous obstacles in her life to end up one of the finest Daughters and Mother's on this planet, and Mom and Dad who always gave me everything I needed to succeed in this life, but didn't try to control me and force me to do something other than what I had wanted fro myself.