You mean "about us" dickhead. Well we primarily like to publish things via the interweb, regarding manatee insanity, gapes and gorps, lasers, alligator pits, whalphins, insider art, brown eels, goth tards, videos, Reviews, DrAWings, Pictures, WOrds Musik,. t3 all done at work.
Gomya, the giant space seal from episode 3 of BW Neo ("The Burning
Heart in Below Freezing"). Opus' worst fears have come true: "It's a
HUMONGOUS WALRUS...a space walrus, with photon flippers!" He had
prehensile hair. He wore World War I-era aviator goggles. He turned
his planet into a giant snowball by blasting it with Angolmois energy
from his butt. Entertainment-value galore.
--Thylacine 2000