Electro.Minimal.Rock.Opera.funk.Jazz.Blues.Folk.Bossa nova.Classiques français. Nouvelle scene.Mayane.
I'd kill to have a conversation with Clint Eastwood and Sean Penn together. I'm astonished by Gonzalez Inarritu's, Gus Van Sant's & Tim Burton's worlds & Benicio del Toro's, Sean Penn, johnny Depp, performances.
On Internet? How long till they understand TV as a medium on its own is dead.
Frida Khalo's biography. La sombra del viento, Carlos Ruiz Zafon.Vian, tout. Baudelaire, tout.Rene Fallet, l'amour baroque.Hugo, le dernier jour d'un condamne.Romain Gary.Ecole, terrain mine Carole Diamant.Antigone, Sophocle. Platon, tout. Descartes & Kant.
My hair styler.My brother.Mam & dad.My old friends.Garphichloe.