Fenris Ulfhamr profile picture

Fenris Ulfhamr

Come bear witness to my attrocity, behold the creature you forced me to be

About Me

You probably already know too much, prepare for the memory erasure procedure! Bring on the Jack Daniels! Who Are You In The Cthulhu Mythos?
You are a DIMENSIONAL SHAMBLER, a clawed, faceless dweller in the spaces outside of time and space. Shamblers materialise swiftly on the physical plain to seize their prey, before vanishing back into the nowhere from whence they came.
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My Interests

Heavy metal, the occult, the true nature of the cosmos, freedom, and beer. ..

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I'd like to meet:

Mainly Anton LaVey (were he still alive) and Jesus Christ (were he ever). I think we all deserve an explanation. What sign of the Black Zodiac are you?
The Jackal
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You scored as Pinhead. You are Pinhead. You come straight from hell. Your curiosity has caused you to make some mistakes in life. But you are now more powerful than you have ever been. You enjoy pain just as much as you enjoy pleasure. Unlike most killers, you like to make sure your victims suffer for all eternity.



Hannibal Lecter




Captain Spaulding




Jason Voorhees


Freddy Krueger


Michael Myers




Buffalo Bill

Which Horror Killer are You?
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Nightbreed, City of Lost Children, Forbidden Planet, An American Werewolf in London, Salem, anything by Full Moon Studios, and the great old-school, black-and-white horror flicks of all kinds Which character from The Nightmare Before Christmas are you?
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Avoid it like the plague. Television is a highly addictive deppressant for the psyche. (As noted in my addiction to Lost, Eureka, Heroes, Doctor Who, and Dethklok Metalocalypse)


Beowulf, Dragon Riders of Pern, Angels and Demons, the Sword of Truth series, the works of Anton LaVey, Cabal, The Zombie Survival Guide, and all things of Clive Barker, H.P. Lovecraft, and Stephen King.


All who stand tall in the face of impossible odds for thier freedom and that of their people, and those who fall as heroes in the ensuing battle.
Orc Warrior

Orcs are among the scarier of races in Warcraft. They're badass and violent, and you can spot 'em from a mile off from their greenish skin. As an orc, you probably get into lots of trouble - but sort it out with lots of pummeling.

As a warrior, you like to take charge of things. You feel that you're an important part of what's happening - and if things turn sour, you like to have a very large weapon on hand that you can use to negotiate.

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