..This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!Sup people! check out my spot! AIR LOUNGE
Descending the stairs to the all brick patio feels like being invited to an
exclusive party by friends in the know. Upon entering this sub-street level
lounge, you will be inundated by the simple, modern decor pervading this
venue. Blue hued and romantic, this lounge is one of Oakland's Sexiest
locales.Those who swore off drinking for the new year should try one of the bars
moth watering cocktails.The lounge showcases respected residents alongside new talent. While there's
no official dress code at AIR, look sharp - no sportswear, as our customers are the most
crucial part of defining vibe and ambiance. A thriving mix of people will
effortlessly interact in this spirited scene. A relaxed, friendly vibe will
separates AIR from similar lounge establishments.
Air lounge is located at 492 9th St in Oakland
9pm Doors
If you want to find out about other joints in the Bay... Check out:NEWVIBE.COM
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Doing what it do: Oakland: LA : ATL: LOndon: LAGOS