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soy un tio que save que quere de esta vida tan guapa i muy loca megusta mucho a disfrutar con mis Amigos : megusta mucho Drum & bass i reggae : megusta a patinar my skate : I ademas que todo megustaria la conpania de una chica bien poesta i muy guapa

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Make your own at ProfilePitstop.com Israel VibrationMention the name Israel Vibration in reggae music circles and watch the warmth of recognition and appreciation of anyone who has seen or heard this very special group of singers. The positive vibrations emanating from the music of Israel Vibration have been spellbinding audiences, critics and DJs for over two decades. This group of singers casts a harmonious musical spell, weaving traditional roots reggae with a mesmerizing sound and deeply spiritual message.Israel Vibration members Cecil Spence (Skelly) and Lascelle Bulgin (Wiss) were born in Jamaica, West Indies. Each is a victim of Poliomyelitis (Polio). They met as children in the Mona Rehabilitation Center, into which they were placed because of their families’ limited resources and their needs for specialized medical care. They learned early on the necessity for developing survival skills, and although polio is an undeniably crippling and debilitating disease, the youths never let their physically challenging situation supercede their willpower and their creative abilities. They found strength in the faith of Rastafari through the guidance of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia, and began composing and singing songs which expressed their spiritual beliefs.Their spirituality and stance on issues relating to their residency at the Mona Rehabilitation Center caused them to be expelled from that institution. Undaunted, they found solace, comfort, and sustenance in their music, which won them the support of their local community and provided them with encouragement to pursue their music careers. They began recording in 1976, enjoying a hit with the poignant Same Song, which was licensed to EMI and brought the group international attention. Their musical careers seemed to be taking off, but, like many Jamaican artists, Israel Vibration’s recording career was set back by a local industry plagued at that time by questionable accounting practices, musical piracy, and a lack of tour support. In 1983, the group broke up and its members moved to the States both for superior medical care and to pursue solo projects.In 1988, each of the members approached Doctor Dread, president and founder of RAS Records, about solo recordings. Dr. Dread, who had greatly admired Israel Vibration’s unique, resonating sound, took heed from the words of Marcus Garvey, and, telling them that "unity is strength," recommended that the members unite. They accepted, and the rest of the story is one of a beautiful relationship that began with Strength of My Life, and continued with Praises, Forever, Vibes Alive, IV, On The Rock, Free to Move, and several dub albums. On the Rock garnered much praise the single and video "Rudeboy Shufflin’," which, along with the "Feeling Irie" video, has been aired on BET as well as other television programs throughout the US and abroad. On The Rock and its follow-up Free To Move reached their height of success upon reaching number one on the CMJ New World charts. Their 1999 release, Pay the Piper, displays some of the strong material songwriters Skelly and Wiss are known for, and the album's featured video "Hard Road" was seen in 3900 Blockbuster video stores during the month of January, 2000.Their album Jericho, released May 16, 2000, is undeniably their strongest work in years and features the best musicians and harmonizers Jamaica has to offer. Skelly and Wiss fully commit to each honest lyric and sing from the heart with the true spirit of universality. Israel Vibration has been working closely with RAS Records for a long time, and will no doubt continue to do so while they redefine the term "Roots Reggae" for the new millennium.
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skate : chicas boenas : boena gente & drum and bass ..

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Acerca de Twist Club Twist Club es una sesión semanal de drum&bass en Madrid (también abierta a otros estilos minoritarios dentro del panorama de los ritmos rotos como breaks o dubstep). Llevamos más de 2 años dando guerra en la capital, primero desde la sala Flamingo, y desde septiembre del 2005 en nuestra actual base, la sala Okama. Con el rotundo éxito que ha supuesto esta última etapa, hemos decidido trasladarnos a un nuevo local, más amplio, más céntrico, y sobre todo con muchísimo más sonido! Eso sí nuestra política, tanto a nivel musical como a nivel humano, seguirá siendo la misma: apertura, respeto y tolerancia! A partir del jueves 20, nuestra nueva base de operaciones será la sala Wind, un local muy amplio y completamente renovado situado en la Plaza del Carmen, entre Sol y Gran Vía. Cuenta con 2 espacios con una capacidad para 900 personas, varias pantallas para proyecciones audiovisuales y un sound system muy dinámico, particularmente apto para disfrutar del drum&bass con su potente sistema de subgraves.
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Pro Skaters - Watch more amazing videos here Los primeros tipos de Tablas eran en realidad como scooters (parecidos a los que ahora conocemos como patines del diablo). Estas construcciones, de principios de siglo XX destacaban por llevar ruedas de patines clavadas a una madera, la que normalmente tenía una caja de madera clavada con manijas, poco aerodinamico e inestable. Durante las siguientes cinco décadas, fue cambiando la apariencia del scooter, sacaron la caja y empezaron a poner ruedas de metal. Cientos de patines fueron desmontados y unidos a planchas de madera. En la década del 50 los ejes sufrieron modificaciones y los riders empezaron a maniobrar más fácilmente. Junto con el aumento en la popularidad del surf en 1959 el primer Roller Derby Skateboard estaba a la venta.Comenzaron a usarse ruedas de una especie de arcilla y al lado del surf comenzó a tomar consistencia. Para la década de los 60’s, el skateboard había ganado un impresionante seguimiento entre las masas del surf. Asi mismo, se comenzo a publicitar este deporte en revistas de surf, lo que le empezo a dar mas auge que nunca. La compañía Makaha, diseñó las primeras tablas profesionales en 1963 y un team fue formado para promover el producto. El primer campeonato de skateboard tuvo lugar en 1963 en la Escuela Pier Avenue Junior, en Hermosa en California. Hacia 1965, el deporte fue elevado por campeonatos internacionales, películas, revistas (Quaerterly Skateboarder) y viajes que atravesaban los Estados Unidos con teams de skaters, lo que hizo expander a este deporte por el mundo entero.

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Hermanos, este disco sale de la inventiva del productor argentino Miko Jackson, en esta especificamente quiso rendir un homenaje al legendario Bob Marley, Musicalizando con los mejores dj’s de la escena porteña y brasileña, la vibra de sus éxitos.El cancionero de Bossa..n Marley pertenece a uno de los compositores e ideólogos pacifistas más importantes de la historia de la música, luego de la revolución que supuso Bossa n’ Stones en el mercado de la música electrónica, Music Brokers se lanzo en un nuevo desafío electrónico con la edición de Bossa n’ Marley. En este delicioso cd se combinan la elegancia de el Bossa Nova y el espíritu futurista de la electrónica.Bossa n’ Marley está compuesto por canciones de fraternidad y lucha que adquieren un nuevo significado a través de un sonido que los sitúa en el perfecto lugar entre la tradición de la Bossa Nova y el Chill Out.Son músicos, cantantes y productores desconocidos, pero se han convertido en los protagonistas del últimoy más rendidor fenómeno discográfico gracias a una fórmula que combina canciones de grupos o cantantes mundialmente populares, voces femeninas en plan sensual,cierta estética lounge, aires de bossa nova y espíritu chill out, alguna que otra base electrónica y una precisa dosis de misterio


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300 ADF 's distinctive sound is a combination of hard ragga-jungle rhythms, indo-dub basslines, searing sitar- inspired guitars and 'traditional' sounds gleaned from their parents' record collections, shot through with fast-chat conscious lyrics. 1998's album Rafi's Revenge on London Records met with much critical acclaim and received a Mercury Prize nomination. By that time already considered one of Britain's most exciting live bands, this album helped to introduce them to a wider audience. They started off in 1993 at London based organisation Community Music where bassist Dr Das taught music technology. He teamed up with one of his students, rapper Deeder Zaman and civil rights worker DJ Pandit G to form a sound system to play at anti-racist gigs. The following year they recruited guitarist Chandrasonic and started moving further afield. With Sun-J joining in 1995 on live technology and 'radical movements,' the line up was complete. Their debut album Facts and Fictions (Nation Records) came out in 1995 and was largely overlooked by a country obsessed with retro guitar pop. And at that time, to be 'Asian' was yet to be considered 'cool.' On the continent however, ADF were given ample opportunity to tour and develop their performance skills. Their musical and lyrical package was met with considerable enthusiasm,1998's album Rafi's Revenge on London Records met with much critical acclaim and received a Mercury Prize nomination. By that time already considered one of Britain's most exciting live bands, this album helped to introduce them to a wider audience. They started off in 1993 at London based organisation Community Music where bassist Dr Das taught music technology.


MTV Los rastafaris consideran la Ganja como la hierba sagrada y la usan en sus ceremonias religiosas y gran parte del tiempo. Esta hierba está para la sanación de los pueblos es poseedora de una energía divina: amor, felicidad, paz, iluminación. Es tan importante que se la dan a los recién nacidos en forma de té en el primer día de vida. Para el teórico rasta, Rodrigo Pérez: "La yerba es la salud de la nación, como el alcohol es la destrucción de la humanidad". Pérez considera que fumar ganja "es un acto positivo hacia el Creador, donde se realza el poder de la meditación y se revela la presencia divina que vive dentro de todos. Jah Rastafari, Dios Viviente, creó la Ganja para que nos sanara, nos revelara sus caminos y lo adoráramos", sin embargo, aclara, los rastas no tienen la obligación de fumar ganja. "Dios la dispuso para que en estos tiempos de grandes tribulaciones, sus hijos resistan y la humanidad recupere su salud". "Nosotros experimentamos las vibraciones del arbusto ardiente como un eufórico y místico sacramento, capaz de iluminar y aliviar la crucial realidad de alienación social y vil pobreza". Además defienden la ganja al argumentar que no es una droga, porque no es un fármaco, lo que implicaría la mano del hombre. "Es una planta que se siembra, germina, crece y da sus frutos, es una creación en la que está implicado Dios Todopoderoso.En general, las drogas si producen adicción, pero la marihuana no crea dependencia física. Los rastafaris no entienden por qué está prohibida. Creen que es producto de la ignorancia. La defienden como una creación divina, que no puede estar sujeta a las leyes del hombre, sino a las leyes naturales, al igual que el hombre. "Cualquier ser humano tiene derecho a que en su hogar, en la tierra que habita, siembre lo que necesite para alimentarse y sanarse, corporal, espiritual y mentalmente"Características de la cultura rasta: Los rastas son conocidos por sus cabelleras (dreadlocks) y por la música reggae, famosa en la voz de Bob Marley, por fumar Ganja y por los colores rojo, verde y amarillo. El rasta esta contra Babilonia que ha creado el mal del hombre, se expresa de muchas maneras entre ellas el reggae que es una música rica, espiritual, cargada de protesta, sentimiento e historia; el rasta fuma Ganja como parte de su ideología y esto también esta cargado de espiritualidad y otras cosas así que rasta no es una excusa para fumar y llevar un peinado fashion. Espero esta información sirva para entender más y respetar el Rastafarismo; que los lleve a conocer y sentir el reggae
Gráficos con escarcha


La respiración circularPon la boca sobre el tubo, y haz vibrar los labios sin forzarlos: un sonido saldrá del tubo. Recuerda que el sonido es una vibración baja. Los labios deben hacer sonidos graves.Intenta variar el movimiento y la postura de la boca y los labios. Después, podrás emitir sonidos con la garganta, mientras soplas en el tubo. Para la respiración circular, necesitas un entrenamiento un poco más largo. En la primera etapa, utiliza un vaso y una pajita.Sopla por la pajita suavemente, intentando mantener la presión constante de la boca (la boca está llena de aire). Cuando desees respirar, hacer presión con las mejillas, y al mismo tiempo, toma aire con la nariz. Tómate tu tiempo para practicar este sistema de respiración circular; es importante porque la mayoría de los principiantes piensan que no pueden llegar a conseguirlo, ya que apenas practican lo suficiente para hacerlo correctamente. En mi caso, estuve 3 días practicando la respiración circular con la pajita y 2 semanas con mi didgeridoo. Pero hacen falta muchos años para controlar perfectamente la respiración circular.En tiempo realLas etapas de la respiración circular1. Soplar normalmente con los pulmones (flechas rojas), Dejar las mejillas hinchadas.2. Bloquear la glotis (como si tuvieras apnea) y expulsar el aire guardado en las mejillas (círculo naranja).3. Al mismo tiempo, inspirar aire por la nariz (flecha azul). Si, si, es posible!! Biologicamente todo el mundo puede hacerlo.4. Desbloquear la glotis, y volver a expulsar el aire de los pulmones. Esta es la etapa más difícil.Ahora que ya sabéis cómo hacerlo, os hará falta práctica y perseverancia, todo llega...Una de las vocalistas más salvajes en todo el ámbito de la música popular, Bjork Gudmundsdottir (conocida simplemente como Bjork), ha pasado la mayor parte de su vida creando música experimental que desafía cualquier clasificación posible.Aquellos que la conocen sólo por su carrera de solista, se sorprenderán al descubrir que ha lanzado varios álbumes con tres bandas diferentes antes de iniciarse como solista en el año 1993, y de hecho este excéntrico y original talento le ha dado un poco de fama desde que tenía apenas dieciséis años. Originally from Opunake (near New Plymouth) - Tali is a classically trained singer and pianist, but her first passion is song writing and composing - Tali has been writing and recording her own music since she was 10.Growing up listening to Hip-Hop, RnB, Soul and Rock, Tali discovered her passion for Drum n Bass in 1996 after hearing Maintain by fellow Full Cycle member Krust.From here Tali teamed up with The Scientific Crew - a Drum n Bass promotions company and the only Drum n Bass radio show in the south of New Zealand.At the beginning of 2001, Tali moved to Melbourne, Australia and continued MC'ing for various promotion companies alongside artists like LTJ Bukem, Grooverider, Bryan Gee, Ed Rush and Optical. Tali has established herself as Australia's only female MC, touring to Singapore and sealing various dates in New Zealand and Australia.It was while in Australia that MC Tali met Roni Size at the Reprazent concert. Tali took this chance opportunity to sing in his ear, and impressed him so much, he took Dynamite off the mic and let Tali take over and show her skills to a strong Melbourne crowd alongside DJ Die.Tali already had her sights set on establishing herself in the UK and in June 2001 this dream became a reality through new Full Cycle connections - MC'ing first at Fabric in London for Krust and Die, then being invited to work with the collective in Bristol.Tali best describes herself as a vocalist, as her unique style of MC'ing incorporates not only rhyming but soulful melodies as well.


skibadee MC Skibadee may be the most innovative personality in drum and bass. Never one to "rest on his laurels", Skibadee has always pushed the boundaries. His success as a stand alone performer is unparalleled in the business and his popularity is always increasing. This high energy mc is guaranteed to excite any audience. Skibadee began MCing in 1994, getting his break through Kool FM on a radio show he co-hosted with DJ Wildchild. At the time there was nothing like him on the air and the phone's were ringing of the hook. By early 1995 Skibadee was featured regularly at events such as Thunder & Joy, Spirit of the Jungle and his regular spot on City Sound Radio. It was not long after that Kool FM came his way and Skibadee began his fast rise to the top. By the end of 1995 Skibadee was resident for all Kool FM, Fever, T & J, Malachite, Electrybe, NJC, Designer label Ball and Innersense. Skibadee's time has come and he was more than just a household name. Along with his partner, MC Dett, Skibadee launched a project 2 x freestyle in lat e1997. The new style they developed was an accident really. The hip hop addcits just applied their drum and bass flow over the regular hip hop beat to get a double time effect. The single and subsequent video was a success and after being accepted on M.T.V. and the box, it blew up to number 3 in the beat box chart for several weeks, which was amazing. Lets not forget the infamous S A S...Skiba n Shabba... Bin Tag teaming since the dayz of Telepathy along side man like shocking b! After doing several big events around the country They formed MC convention in 2000! Stratford Rex was the spot where it all kicked of really, big tingz inside the ride! Big up Shabba In 1999 Skibadee began to notch up the first of 3 the Knowledge Awards for best Mc Also three Accelerated culture awards which equates to 6 years in the number 1 spot... No MC has come close to achieving this accolade....... In 2007 Skiba recieved another 3 awards, 1 being the Muzik 4 you award (best Mc), also the 1 xtra award for best mc, and the southwest drum n bass award.... Basically the mantle peice has about 9 awards for best MC over a 10 year period.......Bloody nutz Maaaan Also Skiba is behind the Big bad U N C Z alongside Fun, Harry shotter, Dj Ruffstuf, Bryan G Majistrate... There doing there thing right now mahing up the airwaves on kool and pyro, tearing Dances like unity Quake, innovation, Slaminvinyl, Breaking science....etc... Watch out 4 mad uncontrolable events this yr, including The Uncontrolable breakfast, 24, Uncz Album Launch night, Skiba, Fun, Ruffy b,day bashes, Uncz Charity event@ Herbal, uncz tour dates in Germany Switzerland Canada Poland and of course UK. Also watch out for uncz merchandise, the franchise and brand is looking big right now...Uncz T-shirts available real soon.... Uncz has bin nominated best Radio show, Also Skiba fun n shotta n Ruffy Have been nominated for Various other awards... Your support is uncontrolable famagusta..uuuurrrrgggghhhh!!!!! Now in 2008 its time to go another Level...! Watch out for the Album n tour AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 RAVES. Set to drop in summer of 2008..! Watch this space for info on events n new music! To be Released on The Uncontrolable Movement Lable...! Skaramanga....Double Album...Hip Hop/DnB...2008 Funsta....Welcom to the House of Fun....2008 Harry Shotta....Harry Shotta....2008 U N C Z Album.....UNCONTROLABLEZ.....2008 U N C Z Mixtape.....UNCONTROLABLY MESSY....2008 U N C Z Podcast.....U P O D....2008
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drum & bass bulgaria

lo mejor en bg
Posted by orlando on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 07:33:00 PST


Posted by orlando on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 06:13:00 PST

drum & bass

drum & bass
Posted by orlando on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 04:03:00 PST


..skate shop--...
Posted by orlando on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 02:51:00 PST