The wicked bastard has his day.

About Me

Damp fields and broken limbs. Black holes and quasars. Empty barns and dirt roads. Earthworms and basements. The well-songs and broken lullabies are written by singer/guitarist Joshua Britton and performed with drummer Daniel Harvie and bassist Johnny Bee (as well as frequent collaborator and guitarist/vocalist David Janes). The sound is stark but dynamic, dark but illuminating. Some occasional disquieting stares accompany live performances.
The walls bend out.
Ceilings fall.
Here's what some people who are respectable have also said:
"The Sweetheart Parade's Joshua Britton provide(s) a lonely, desolate tone" and "brings home the 'Soothe your soul' award." --Jim DiGiuseppe from The Clog/
"The Sweetheart Parade speaks to the pariahs, the damned, the lost ghosts stumblin' within us. A picture painted with shades of gray, yet it shines salvation. Everything and nothing is sacred. Unraveling the blanket that makes you warm, but giving you the blade that keeps you safe." --Dan Gallagher from Big River
"...hauntingly beautiful. [The] music makes us weak at the knees. Amen." --Jeffrey Mitchell from The Modern Hypocrites
"'The Blood That Didn't Take' left me limp and lying on the floor. It's a mighty, mighty stride." --Laura Walsh from Forgetful Francis
Now available are the debut solo album, "Smaller Constellations", the follow-up EP "Heartwood" and the new EP "Communion". They can be purchased here above, or at when it re-opens, where you'll be able to read more about the albums and other things.
The band is currently recording their debut album "Sings Like a Priest" at Hear the Ocean Studio with Ken Kelemen, set to be released in June 2008. And a split EP with Kettle Pot Black will be released soon. Meanwhile, The Sweetheart Parade continues to climb out of bed, put on its best black dress, and consume thunder. We love you. A little.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/14/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Johnny Bee
Joshua Britton
Daniel Harvie
Influences: Water, birds, Mary Oliver, prayers, cigarettes, Ben Weaver, Westerns, motorways, colours, James Yorkston, power lines, Star Trek machines, Will Johnson, letterada, snow mounds, Patti Smith, parents, ink, David Eugene Edwards, banjos and concertinas, the Socratic Method, Mark Linkous, trees and leaves, Richard Brautigan, red wine and dark beer, Jason Molina, the moon, Lou Reed, alphabetizations, rambling, Mississippi John Hurt, hand-made records, Johnny Cash, night, Will Oldham, these good friends that don't stop talking.
Sounds Like: a crushed cigarette yearning for sunrise.
Record Label: Sweetheart Parade Music
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Until the new website appears later this summer, MySpace will be the only place to purchase TSP music (aside from purchasing CD's at shows). Visit the SnoCap store on the main page; to request a physi...
Posted by THE SWEETHEART PARADE on Sat, 03 May 2008 02:40:00 PST

you can hide.

"At the behest of members and countrymen, the Sweetheart Parade website will draw its bridge for a little while; during reconstruction, skilled blacksmiths and foolish knaves will promote the pages' b...
Posted by THE SWEETHEART PARADE on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 03:05:00 PST

asleep on the road.

Ooooh."Sings Like a Priest", the first LP from the band, is nearing completion nicely. We got a lot done this weekend, and there's very little recording left to do before mixing. Guests include David ...
Posted by THE SWEETHEART PARADE on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 05:29:00 PST

sings like a tease.

Recording continued this weekend for the first band LP, "Sings Like a Priest." It’s going well, and we’re hoping to have it available by June.Also, we’re carrying around tickets to s...
Posted by THE SWEETHEART PARADE on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 10:38:00 PST

the heartbreak masquerade.

A few updates:1. Jon Solomon was nice enough to put another Sweetheart Parade song on The Local Support 50; "The Most Desperate Wind" from the Heartwood EP can be found on City Paper's latest podcast ...
Posted by THE SWEETHEART PARADE on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 12:49:00 PST

new tides to hold.

I recorded a song for Valentine's Day, called "Wolves"; here are the words:You dance with ghosts and rattlesnakes and speak to wolves when morning breaks. And oh, how your eyes explode. You wait for d...
Posted by THE SWEETHEART PARADE on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 06:33:00 PST

cold-shouldered and tired.

Here are some updates:1) I'll be heading to NY next weekend to start recording, but not just any recording; preliminary tracks will be laid down for the debut band album. We're not sure yet whether it...
Posted by THE SWEETHEART PARADE on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 05:13:00 PST

nearing the beginning.

2008 is going to be oceanic, and it's starting off with an amazing night of music on January 3rd. At John and Peter's in New Hope, eight talents will offer solo alternate versions of their songs, perf...
Posted by THE SWEETHEART PARADE on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 06:06:00 PST

let them all go.

While a few more updates are needed (contact info, etc.) the new website is up and running and ready for your eyes. You can visit here. Also, the Heartwood EP will be released and available for purcha...
Posted by THE SWEETHEART PARADE on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 05:27:00 PST

importance and tragedy.

Two songs posted now, "Shovel" and "My Victim", are from the Heartwood EP which is complete and will be available very soon. The other new song posted, "Wake Pt. 1", is from the forthcoming LP "Sings ...
Posted by THE SWEETHEART PARADE on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 02:15:00 PST