i'm a product of my very own perception. i create everything around me. we can learn nothing except by going from the known to the unknown and back again. all that we are is the result of what we have thought. the mind is everything. what we think, we become. we ARE.
my interests include but are DEFINITELY not limited to:
plants, kynd folks, bangen screw, poi, learnin, dancin, chillin, opening my third eye, you, hugs, spoonin, star watchin, dank, trees, herbal pharmacology, acupressure, travelling, cloud watchin and sedation.
-we all lose sight of the fact that we are wondering into unknown territories everyday. and yet we live in the fantasy that we know what's going on...? or do we? 'cause i sure don't. show me someone who can explain ANYTHING about NOTHING. that's real, that's life, tha'ts my love. on another note, i understand that i have lost, and i will continue to have people walk in and out of my life everyday..and to be honest, that doesn't bother me at all. without any real connections what do we REALLY have? i really wanna meet the circles that just can't quite fit into those square holes. the ones who don't have a problem with being loved and loving in return..after all, i'm just a h-u-m-a-n♥
allghenies mountains, we'll be together again soon.
real eyes realize..real lies mother earth is dying and.. we continue to fuck her. but dont worry. the future is in our hands.
i've got a little bit of funky rhythm flowin through my veins today...
"well you wake up in the morning, hear the ding dong ring, You go a-marching to the table, see the same damn thing Well, it's on a one table, knife, a fork and a pan, and if you say anything about it, you're in trouble with the man.let the midnight special, shine her light on me."
by some counts, each one of us swallows up to 3,000 marketing messages every day.that's a lot of empty calories for one brain to digest..maybe it's no coincidence that the world health organization has been clamoring to warn us about the two epidemics simultaneously striking the developed world:an obesity epidemic, and a mental health epidemic.we're constantly making choices for enjoyment and convenience.but what about to protect our mental health? To maintain an accurate, open world-view? or to preserve our clarity of mind?..maybe it's time to go on a media diet.
-the healing energy of your hands (michael bradford)
-encyclopedia of psycho active plants (christian ratsch)
i'm also working on being my own.
oh and ps: