Being with my son. Playing catch, reading, drawing, coloring tickling and battling He'll say Daddy, "get ready for your beat down!". All around running amok, always with clear boundaries. My latest favorite "bit" we do (from "Cars"), I say " I'm a precision instrument with speed and aerodynamics " and in the best Larry the Cable Guy voice you ever heard by a 5 1/2 year old who is not from the South, he'll say, "Ya hurt ya whaaaut?!" Everytime funny! -------------------- An oakie, buttery sweet necture from the Gods, bottle of tequilia, Photography, sports. PADRES, CHARGERS, AND YANKEES and CAL.--------------------- Laugh, smile, flirt, and kissing with eyes open. -------------Oh, and without any form of judgement, you can say anything about anything, as long as it is funny!
people who respect themselves enough to be honest. Choose to be honest so they may be themselves.
Counting Crows, Kid lightning (Gigolo Aunts), Peter Stuart (Dogs Eye View), Nina Gordon (Veruca Salt). Snoop, Busta, Queen, James Taylor, Beastie Boys, Cathrine Feeney, Dixie Chicks, NOTAR,... to name a few. My new favorite is "The Ballad of Zan and Jayna" (special features on the 2nd SUPERFRIENDS dvd, the blue one), GENIUS... absolutley genius... on sooooo many levels! Eric Stoltz's version of "Snuggle Puppy", Barry Manilow has been there for me since my mom's blue cassette tape that had Mandy on it. Barry's gotton me through some heart ache,ya know, the tough times. I can't hold a note in a basket, but that doesn't stop me from singing, Although my friends wish it would.
"True Romance" -"...and it won't ever get that good again...", I would pay to see Christopher Walkin read the phone book! "The Usual Suspects".."Flipya, flipya fa real". Serenity "So no more running, I aim to mis-behave!" Superman, Superman Returns, Transformers, Garden State, Overboard (when I am laid up on the couch, sick), The Natural, Some Like it Hot, Cars, Little Mermaid, Alladin, Pocohontis (hot, hot, hot) Monsters inc. Finding Nemo, Shreck 1&2, The Incredibiles, Bourne Supremecy, Meet the Parents", "Superfriends" season's 1&2 ... Gleek slays my son, and of course, "School House Rock" "When your Happy, HOORAY! and when you're sad AWWW!" and the very best underrated animated film ever "Iron Giant", "You are who you choose to be... now choose", One of the top 3 sentences I have used with my son.
Are you smarter than a 5th grader, House, Two & a Half Men, Amsterdam,Bill Mahr, Espn, Boxing, Cartoon Network, "How I met your mother" NPH, is fucking genius!
I read them everyday with my son. current page burners are. "Yertle the Turtle" & "Sneetches"
Daddy's little dude, (not intended to be a euphemism, but kinda is)