chouquette&trade profile picture


maybe this weight was a gift, like I had to see what I could lift

About Me

consumed by summer.

*background photo by coatsie *

..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5

My Interests

the new house. kitten alice, when she is not yelling her head off. unendingly throwing that damn tennis ball for henry. trying very, very hard not to kill my tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumbers, and herbs. cookingcookingcooking. reading on the front porch. reading on the back patio. barbecues and cornhole. camping. I am really into this video right now (thanks, duder). also: playing my vintage MELODICA (I suppose it's technically 'playing'), playing scrabble--or its red-headed bastard child, Ultra Late Night Phonetic Scrabble. helping to write songs at ridiculous hours. last minute roadtrips. 60's roadside motels. animals who love other animals! like this!:

and this!:

also! this video. this blog. narcoleptic weinerdogs . spiral staircases. making up new and preferably wildly inappropriate lyrics to the songs I get stuck in my head. late night talks that go down in history. the sound of breaking glass. waking up to summer sunlight. sinking into warm water. reading a book/watching anything that makes me cry/laugh/leaves me dazed. speaking kindergarten french. cake. chouquettes. looking for old cars that I might, but probably won't, buy. crepes. wine. headphones. compartmentalization. pets named after professional boxers. and SORTING SHIT OUT. who has time for anything else?

I'd like to meet:

“the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "awww!” ~ jack kerouac.

also! eddie izzard (again), fiver , and jonsi .
steve mcqueen and montgomery clift .
and! eugene hutz .


kurt vonnegut

november 11, 1922-april 11, 2007

'I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center.'


currently: feist. beach house. ryan adams. amy winehouse. wilco. david vandervelde. peter bjorn & john. the good, the bad, and the queen. charlotte gainsbourg. neko case. sparklehorse. viva voce. the polyphonic spree. also: SIGUR EFFING ROS, radiohead, brian eno, thom yorke, bjork, nina simone, mickey avalon, sufjan stevens, languis, autolux (RELEASE YOUR ALBUM ALREADY), pj harvey, johnny cash, lift to experience, air, broken social scene, stars, eels, nada surf, pernice brothers, secret machines, the kinks, the zombies... and approximately 2.87 million more which I won't mention. that would be boring.


found film reels. you can't be neutral on a moving train (a documentary about howard zinn). millions. little miss sunshine. amores perros. casino royale. stranger than fiction. the science of sleep. buffalo '66. lost in translation. amelie. royal tenenbaums. to sir, with love. 28 days later (and its goofy younger brother, shaun of the dead). sucker for the humanizing of animals (or the animalizing of humans...?) in microcosmos, winged migration, and march of the penguins. dancer in the dark and everything is illuminated made me cry my eyes out. project grizzly. monsters inc. the big lebowski. the life aquatic. anything steve mc(manliest-ever)queen, and all the movies I get from netflix and DON'T WATCH for weeks, just sitting on them indefinitely, BECAUSE I CAN.


currently ass-over-teakettle in love with simon schama's the power of art . the office. lost. aqua teen hunger force. opb.
and! geoff, shaun and I have decided to do a rip-off of 'monster garage', called 'muenster garage'. the intro will be by kraftwerk, it will take place in a stark white garage, and shaun and geoff will shout about straight lines, more straight lines, and right angles, in their finest german-accented voices while they produce various creations out of cheese. I will be dancing in my finest german-techno way in the background. it will be awesome*

*if you are not geoff, shaun, or I, you may or may not get the humor in this at all.


gabriel garcia marquez. haruki murakami. salman rushdie. jonathan safran foer. jeffrey eugenides. howard zinn. david sedaris. dave eggers. paul auster. f. scott fitzgerald. dorothy parker. richard adams. richard yates. alice sebold.


howard zinn and simon schama.
whoever did *THIS* :hahahahahahahahaha. ahem. also! troy hurtubise. and anyone who makes/sends/brings me cake. because, boy, do I ever love cake.

My Blog

interracial dinner, 1967-style

(if anyone even mentions the ashton kutcher abomination by the same name, be smart enough to hold your tongue...)"Christina! Oh my poor dear, what a shock for you! I knew something was up when I cam...
Posted by chouquette&trade on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 11:04:00 PST

will they or won’t they?

I just called kgw (local station--and I had already tried koin6 and katu2) to ask why they're not covering the drill or anything related, and got the stock answer 'we've looked into it and decided it'...
Posted by chouquette&trade on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 10:28:00 PST

nucular funtimes

anyone else nervous about this?I hate to fall in with the doom-and-gloom party, but I wouldn't put anything past this administration... also: thisand:
Posted by chouquette&trade on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 10:24:00 PST

series of tubes!!!

"Ten movies streaming across that, that Internet, and what happens to your own personal Internet? I just the other day got... an Internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday, I...
Posted by chouquette&trade on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 04:15:00 PST

Howard Zinn

is absolutely my current hero.came from absolutely nothing, began by reading anything he could get his hands on in the ghetto, always had his personal compass pointing north.a demonstator in high scho...
Posted by chouquette&trade on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 12:07:00 PST

Ima bout to...

go on hiatus from my hiatus from sports. after Complete And Utter Suckfest '06 (a.k.a. the NBA Finals) seriously let me down, I decided I didn't have the energy to get into professional sports. I me...
Posted by chouquette&trade on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 08:46:00 PST

NBA playoffs, v2.0

oh dallas, why must you do me so wrong? why must you play like complete balls and give the impression that miami is a decent team, who may be deserving of the title? we all know this is not so. so STA...
Posted by chouquette&trade on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 09:32:00 PST

one more thing I should perhaps not be allowed to watch: the NBA playoffs

ok. the first time was a little annoying.the second time, the third time, this is getting just plain ridiculous, so...hey! NBA dudes reffing the damn playoffs!would you please remove ...
Posted by chouquette&trade on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 10:31:00 PST

holy. hell.

well... it's official. I don't need to go to any more live shows for approximately THE REST OF MY LIFE. just saw sigur. effing. ros. (again)to catch you up:the first time I saw them, I stupidly and ...
Posted by chouquette&trade on Fri, 05 May 2006 01:28:00 PST

of rib fractures and drag races

I am fairly certain I cracked a rib saturday whilst attacking The Boyfriend with a poorly-conceived and even-more-poorly-executed wrestling maneuver involving my torso and his left shoulder. it barel...
Posted by chouquette&trade on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 02:09:00 PST