I'd like to meet:
The Bosun
Oka (I love Oka!), Jack Johnson, Cold Play, Faithles, Tijuana Cartel, Latin Pop ( Juanes, Alex Ubago, Ricardo Arjona), The Cat empire, Keane, Counting Crows, James Blunt... but I must say I don't really like Hill billy BOSUN music .... YET
MY INTERSTS - Orca Research-Argentina, Whale/Dolphin Conservation & Protection, Cetacean & Landscape Photography, Travelling/trekking (esp Patagonia), Chiropractic/Optimal Health and Wellbeing, Triathlon, sea-kayaking, Surfing, Swimming, Snow Skiing. Ultimately, Good Balance in Life.
I am currently working on publishing my own book, called "Wild Patagonia" or "Elementos de Patagonicos" .... (Im not sure of the name yet!!) Regardless, I hope to have it published by 2010. It will be a collection of Large Format Patagonian landscapes and wildlife in all seasons and elements taken over the past 7 years.After that will be one on our beautiful whales, and their higher intelligence and communication. Once released, I would like to dedicate profits to organizations like Sea Shepherd (www.seashepherd.org) who are proactively defending our waters, Punta Norte Orca Research ( www.orca-puntanorte.com- dedicated to protection, conservation of Orca, and education of Argentinean schools in respect to Orca & wildlife), and www.cielospatagonicos - Argentinean eco-sustainable & responsible tourism group.