tex buckaroo profile picture

tex buckaroo


About Me

my name is renny. the screen production which is my life has a stellar, ensemble cast. i like having ice cream for breakfast. i dislike killing bugs. i like coffee a lot! i hate clowns and bigots. chartreuse is my favourite colour. i have been known to cry during really hot sex. i try to have a chaperone, or an accomplice, when i drink whiskey. i believe mixed babies are the prettiest!! i downgrade a 'film' to a 'movie' when i notice a product-placement. artificial fragrances make me cringe. and, i live in chicago now, where i fight my daily urges to rejoin my crew on the flying dutchman.aim- healyscopter

My Interests

traveling; reading; museums; vodun; photography; coffee; robots and spaceships; fresh juice, veganism, and raw; people who use dated words/expressions; cowboys and indians; hiking, canoeing, and camping; entomology- especially phosphorescent creatures; eating breakfast foods at any hour; superheroes and comics; maps; vintage: stores, photos, cameras and books; yaoi; red foods. and bailie nicol jarvie- check it out.

I'd like to meet:

adventurers. the young ralph macchio. androgynous eurotrash. pasty geeks with dark, shaggy hair and glasses who read books. ninjas. old dames who need a drinking buddy. ben giddbard and parker posey; post mortem: elliot smith and river pheonix. guys named etienne. any triceratops. micheal pitt (because he makes romantic cameos in my dreams).confused rhesus monkeys- who just need someone to listen. nice trannies. anyone knowing the whereabouts of the following: meaghan peters, fossil beds, and/or secret treasure.


stereo total, ladytron, postal service/death cab/benny gibbard, cyndi lauper, gossip, fischerspooner, elliot smith, melpo mene, le tigre, say hello to your mom, courtney and kurt, portishead & radiohead, janis joplin, ms. john soda, hole, killers, knife, client, rapture, decemberists, home video, fitness, gold frapp, unicorns. early, raspy jazz voices.


killer clowns from outer space; barbarella; back to the future; street car named desire; breakfast at tiffanys; daikaiju films and anime; the goonies and ferris bueller's day off; party girl and house of yes; welcolme to the doll house and valley of the dolls; the dreamers, hitchcock films; 'b' horror flicks and just about any film with girls kicking ass.


the avengers; crime/ forensic dramas.


hemingway and poe. madame bovary. hardy boys. the vampire armand; rice's jesus book reeks! cherie. confederacy of dunces. the pokey little puppy. geek love. the gas.


margaret mead for her adventure; ab fab's patsy for her ability to maintain; mimi from drew carey for her color courage; flo from mel's diner for her one liner; batman's robin for his ability to keep his cool in hot pants! tammy fae messner for taking 'it' to the grave; holly golightly for being a real fake; richard proenneke for masterminding the perfect modern runaway; charles darwin for "borrowing" the concept of evolution; and henry the ninja fetus- becuase he's fucking rad and will cut you!

My Blog

darwin’s a DAD!

on our morning walk, darwin found a kitten. chompers terriffied the little thing, so i threw a towel over it and brought it inside to see if it was going to die of fright. it's still alive; the yappy-...
Posted by tex buckaroo on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 04:19:00 PST

holocaust cookbook

the young persons committee at the museum is putting together a cookbook compiled of stories and recipes from holocaust survivors. i suggested the book be titled- "Pulled from the Oven". soon, my co...
Posted by tex buckaroo on Wed, 21 May 2008 09:35:00 PST


i've been headhunted by a consulting group in london to head up a brand new museum in colorado as their curator. it's the middle of no where.i'll think about it.
Posted by tex buckaroo on Fri, 16 May 2008 08:02:00 PST


i'm not sure if i like it anymore. the thought of more eel makes me want to vom.maybe it was just a bad lot.
Posted by tex buckaroo on Wed, 07 May 2008 10:47:00 PST

the best thing to happen since your fertilization.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aGTNS13SDU ...
Posted by tex buckaroo on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 09:18:00 PST

my boyfriend slept with a 30yo...

last night. and it was hot. :)
Posted by tex buckaroo on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 08:19:00 PST

choo, choo chugs the 30 train...

it’s right around the bend!but i’m ok, so far. although i might crack- again- before it hits.this morning i did the face lift check- and i think i can hold out for a few more years. any cu...
Posted by tex buckaroo on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 07:20:00 PST

midlife crisis

my midlife crisis party last night murdered me. i can't WAIT to actually turn thirty. i anticipate eating a pack of unisom and drinking a six pack of wine coolers. going out like marilyn monroe es tre...
Posted by tex buckaroo on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 07:09:00 PST

dirty condoms

are some of darwins favorite snacks!there have been 3 seperate incidents where he's found them.chew on that for your friday!:) xor
Posted by tex buckaroo on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 12:02:00 PST

ha ha!!; chomp chomp!!.

yesterday darwin and i went to trent and carlos's store.he and i were playing roughly [no pun intended] and he chomped my finger.i've never had a puncture wound before.when i look at the wound with th...
Posted by tex buckaroo on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 07:29:00 PST