Michael R. Mutt profile picture

Michael R. Mutt

Houses in Motion

About Me

Architect.Bauhaus.Communist.DRUMS.Ecstacy.Fenestration.Gigle ts.Horror.Illeist.Jest.Karma.Life.Motocicleta.Nein.Oblique.P hilodox.Quizzical.Rap.Somnambulist.Tchotchkes.Undead.Verecun d.Wino.XY.Yoga.Zeitgeist

My Interests

"Clanging Spoons"Photography - I use a vintage AE-1 Canon for 35mm and a Holga for medium format. If you know what a Holga is, you're probably too cool to be my friend.Art - I enjoy art openings. I dabble in various art mediums - photography, watercolor, stone carving, steel/welding and of course architecture - it's my job after all.Motorcycles - I own a 1951 BMW R51/3.Food.Film.Music.Bicycling, but not so much lately.Cats - mostly my own cat, Max, who is the coolest fucking cat ever to walk the face of the planet.

I'd like to meet:

Angel-headed hipsters. Also, people who don't suck. People who aren't bored. People who aren't negative. People with opinions. People who will feed my enormous ego. Just kidding. Sort of.


I like the best of everything - I'm not fanatic about any one genre.Radiohead, Marvin Gaye, Joy Division, Curtis Mayfield, Bauhaus, Nas, Miles and Coltrane are some all-time favorites.


The Big Lebowski, Une Chien Andalou, Amelie, etc.


Television is evil.


I like books. I have many books. Mr. Palomar. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Breakfast of Champions. Naked Lunch. The Gashlycrumb Tinies. On the Road. Farewell to Arms. And so on.


You've got to be careful about heroes. Every human being is flawed. Here are a few people I admire, in no particular order, with parenthetical "flaw": Marcel Duchamp (married for money), The Dalai Lama (eats meat), Ian Curtis (committed suicide), Louis Kahn (womanizer), John Long (over-dresses when on the roof)

My Blog

I get ahead on my motorbike. I get ahead on my motorbike.

This is the speedometer off my old motorcycle, which is a good metaphor for the bike's restoration. That's because there was no momvement for a long time. Kind of the same with this co...
Posted by Michael R. Mutt on Sun, 11 May 2008 05:10:00 PST

When it Rains it Pours

Yesterday I collected on a piece of art I sold, received a refund from my state income taxes, and discovered that my bank thinks I have more money in my checking account than I do. If I had been on m...
Posted by Michael R. Mutt on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 07:40:00 PST

Im such a loser

The all salad diet didn't work. The chain-smoking-instead-of-eating diet didn't work. The low-fat diet didn't work. The quitting drinking diet didn't work. Maybe 24 hours was not a fair chance for tha...
Posted by Michael R. Mutt on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 11:49:00 PST

Let Love In

It's a song by Nick Cave with really great lyrics, especially if you're bitter: I've been bound and gagged and I've been terrorized. I've been castrated and I've been lobotomized. But never before has...
Posted by Michael R. Mutt on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 06:06:00 PST

Lookin WHEEL good

Today I made another pilgrimage to the far east. 15 miles east of OKC, that is. A place where trailer home dwellers, old hippies, hermits, militia types and all other sorts of outcasts,...
Posted by Michael R. Mutt on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 04:45:00 PST

Im Stoopid to the Max

My cat has been suffering from chronic halitosis for quite a while. It didn't bother me so much until my brother commented that Max's breath 'smells like ass'. That hurt, Dave. Max is an outgoing...
Posted by Michael R. Mutt on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 04:53:00 PST


I think I was about nineteen when I discovered Joy Division. 'Closer' and 'Unknown Pleasures' were among the first records I bought from the imports section of the record store. This music, together w...
Posted by Michael R. Mutt on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 06:54:00 PST


Yesterday after work, I drove out to Jones, Oklahoma where my 1951 BMW has finally entered the inner sanctum of the restoration temple. Slowly, slowly, the muse of opposed twins is reviving ...
Posted by Michael R. Mutt on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 03:05:00 PST

Santa Cross

While killing time before bedtime last night, my brother and I wandered around SuperTarget and with his help, hatched a plan for next year's front yard Xmas diarama. The thought of a violent, sexual ...
Posted by Michael R. Mutt on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 08:10:00 PST

So you think I’m a dick? Thanks!

Before I start - No, I'm not listening to Judas Priest because I want to; our 40 year old I.T. manager who brought the CD to work is still punishing his mother for some reason. I will admit to the occ...
Posted by Michael R. Mutt on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 02:14:00 PST