Gil K profile picture

Gil K

" can he be so skinny and live so phat?"

About Me

i've called a lot of places home, which makes answering the question "so where are you from?" rather complicated. if i were a superhero, my super power would be the stinging wit of sarcasm. people often describe me by using superlatives...not all of them are positive. love me or hate me, there is no middle road. does this sound like you? maybe we should be friends.

My Interests

i love to cook, travel, sleep, and take over the world in which ever order seems fitting for the day. i also have an unhealthy obsession with buying records, Prada shades, shoulder bags, and spending money in general. i was formerly exploring new career aspirations in horticulture and photography, while learning to live without attachment. i stay up late, get up early, and enjoy watching the Caribbean sun rise over a dancefloor from behind a set of Technics. my watch is always set to 4:20.

I'd like to meet:

revolutionaries, idealists, visionaries, demigods, shapers of history, wayward travelers, future cult leaders, my twin or my clone, bad girls with record collections, a good masseuse, and people that know that the difference between right and wrong is only a matter of degree...old friends and new are welcome here....obsessives and zealots need not apply

only $5.99 on ITunes! click above to listen and buy!

NSM016 – Welcome to NOSI Music volume 1 by Gil K

1. Robo Bounce – Mike Hoska
2. Slave to the Music – Thee-O and Tony Gamboa
3. Pretty Girlz – Corey Baker (Fame's Buttaface mix)
4. Pill Popper – Mike Hoska
5. Bring that Back – DJ Fame (Tom Sawyer mix)
6. You Make Me Crazy – Bit Crushers ft. Ana Herrero
7. Strangelet – Bitwise
8. Fader Curve – System 22
9. Ghetto Saw – Codekat

Well it's finally here. label head Gil K turns in the inaugural mix of the Welcome to NOSI Music series. Featuring nine tracks of top shelf electro, breaks, and peak time house music jams from the NOSI Music catalog, this mix is available exclusively on ITunes.



I know a lot of you have heard me talk about this island party SunJam down in Honduras I DJ every summer. Well I pieced together a little video that we shot this past year to give you a taste of what you've been missing out on.


the first thing you should know is that it's not personal. but if you don't know, then i probably cannot explain it to you.

i have said that you can find out everything you need to know about a person by the music they listen to and the shoes they wear. no person on this earth likes "everything". that's just lame shit punters, posers, prefects, and perverts say to cover up their obvious lack of personality and style. for the music Illuminati around the world, this is a lifestyle. we live and breath it everyday, not just on the weekends to impress our friends

my influences are: dead and dying rock musicians of the 60's & 70's, old school before it was branded "hip-hop" and rappers started shooting each other for record deals, rock and roll when Jim and Jimi were alive, the godfather's of Funk and Soul (R.I.P.) respectively, the Beastie Boys, ESL, can't stand the Beatles, but i love Oasis. Give me 4 on the floor acid-acid house anyday after 2am. i briefly preferred anything Fatboy or funky D n' B. i currently will spin anything with a beat, i it enjoy drums, breaks, electric sluts-on-a-stick and pretty much anyway i can give it. the two most significant pieces of music i've heard to date are CHECK YOUR HEAD and EXIT PLANET DUST.


oh yeah, and reggeaton has to be the WORST shit i've ever heard.


QT, Scorcese, Coppola, Lucas, Spike Lee, Guy Ritchie, Terry Gilliam, Oliver Stone, Rob Livingston, Steven Soderberg, Spike Jonze, Stu Chudy, Harry Kane.


kill your television, it's the reason your ass is getting bigger.


i like books.


the only heroes i know are dead...and dying isn't much of a living. crisp salute to my brothers and sisters in arms around the world. keep your head down and come home safe.

My Blog

Disco 2000 returneth?

It's days like this that make it all worth it for me. When you realizethat you've quietly accomplished a personal goal you had all butforgotten about, or thought time had stolen away from possibility....
Posted by Gil K on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 09:23:00 PST

What’s new at NOSI

Hello Friends, Here's the latest on what events NOSI is up to in November!If you have questions about the events, write me or send your guestlist info. Read below for recent and upcoming release info ...
Posted by Gil K on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 09:11:00 PST

3 birthday parties, 2 countries, 1 cake...30 is ok :)

so i've been noticing my blog is in need of attention. we're closing out the summer here in the northeast. it's been another heated few months as always. we kicked off the season at NOSI with a showi...
Posted by Gil K on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 11:16:00 PST

NOSI news: ICFF, Radio 1, SunJam

Hello Friends, I wanted to pass along to you that on May 19th - 22nd NOSI Design will be making our US debut at the Jacob Javits Center in NYC with Royal Danish Consulate as part of the Danish Pavilio...
Posted by Gil K on Fri, 11 May 2007 10:14:00 PST

got EDM?

NOSIMusic is up and running on beatport and next month on Itunes. if you're a talented new producer or group and would like to submit a demo, feel free to contact me here on myspace. as a label we are...
Posted by Gil K on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 09:18:00 PST

Artist bio: Tale of the chase

"Never leave a dance floor wanting". That is the no nonsense attitude New York based DJ phenom Gil K brings to the table at each and every show.  In the last two years he has dotted the globe, cr...
Posted by Gil K on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 06:17:00 PST

two weeks notice

ok, so the danish immigration authority wants me out of their wonderful little county on the 8th of december. right now i plan to be in CT for a few days, then i'm skipping out to south park to kick i...
Posted by Gil K on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 04:32:00 PST