Who are we?We are an upstart, grassroots political organization dedicated to the election of Democrats nationwide. We believe that every vote counts, and, to make a difference, we are mobilizing voters across the nation and raising awareness of their potential impact to reach our goal.We invite all Americans, interest groups, and parties, to use us as a sounding board, to network, share ideas, and find common ground.We believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, free enterprise, human rights, and fiscal responsibility.We pledge solidarity and plan to make everyone's voice heard, finding common cause whenever possible.
Where do we stand?
- LibertyThe subjugation of government agencies to the singular authority of "Homeland Security" is reminiscent of pre-war Germany. From the excesses of the "War on Drugs" and its abyssmal failure, to the current "War on Terror," our Constitution and Bill of Rights have suffered terrible diminution. Americans from the full political spectrum demand liberty now. The "sunset clauses" of the Patriot Act are insufficient.
We will not wait years for civil suits such as filed by the American Library Association to reach the Supreme Court for consideration. This legislation should be reformed to give the American public their right to privacy.
Health care We believe that healthcare is a right. We are the richest country in the world, yet over 47 million Americans have no health insurace -- that's nearly one in six Americans. As a result, over 18,000 people die per year.Our nation is ranked 23rd in infant mortality, 20th in life expectancy for women, and 21st in life expectancy for men. Relative to other industrialized nations with universal health care, the United States ranks poorly; all while the Republicans stand on the side of big insurance companies.We want an open and honest dialogue with these industries, to negotiate viable, permanent solutions on behalf of the American people.Iraq We were led to believe there were massive stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq; no such stockpiles exist. We were told that a human rights crisis existed in Iraq. That is certainly true. However, human rights crises exist all over this planet while our government is mute. We were led to believe that Saddam Hussein was closely associated with Al-Qaeda. No such association existed.Tens of thousands of lives are lost as a direct result of these lies. Over $400 billion in American taxpayer money have been wasted so far. This burden could possibly be carried to future generations.Polls consistently show that over four out of five Iraqis oppose the presence of coalition forces in Iraq. Two-thirds of Iraqis express confidence in their own army and police forces, yet more indication that Iraqis could do a better job of policing themselves than we can.There is no simple solution to the crisis in the Middle East, especially now. Nevertheless, national accountability and dedication to principled conduct are required. We expect the next administration to work with the world community toward resolving this crisis.Internet FreedomThe Internet is now under scrutiny for further regulation. With the enactment of the "Patriot Act," it has become "legal" for government agencies to use unconstitutional methods to investigate non-security related "crime." The Internet is an empowering engine of communication, commerce, and alternative media. With our "snail" mailboxes full of junk, our phones ringing off the hook from solicitation; the same bureocracies that regulate these aspects of daily life now want to manage the internet. We demand the freedom to communicate and conduct business without the restrictive meddling of bureocracy. Ample technology exists for the average user, corporate or individual, to manage spam and maintain privacy. In fact, that technology comes from a thriving industry, marketing excellent products. This is one more intrusion on personal freedom and privacy. When violations regarding identity theft, fraud, or pornography occur, standing laws and investigative authority are sufficient.
Environment Americans have been demanding clean, alternative energy for decades with negligible response. Nuclear power has increased along with the cost of heating our homes. Fortunately, since Chernoybl, there have been no major accidents. The huge profits these energy companies have reaped will not pay to contain the increasing quantities of nuclear waste for millenia to come. The bill will be delivered to future generations. This is a legacy of death. We are fossil fuel dependent. Profit drives research, and that's a good thing. However, in an environmental crisis with the engines of commerce, industry and national defense, still fossil fuel dependent, profit driven research has failed.The ozone is not the only thing in jeopardy. Children in urban regions are suffering brain damage from poisonous fumes world-wide.We believe the Government should take steps on an unprecedented scale to develop and implement clean energy, with no regard to the bottom line of existing energy producers.Globalization The agreements of our government in the WTO, NAFTA, and CAFTA are vehemently opposed by constituents. The majority of us have not been adequately informed, while the best informed among us fully oppose these agreements. The government needs to be answerable to the people. These monolithic trade agreements that only serve the needs of America in some theoretical future, while posing an immediate threat to our environment and standard of living, warrant longer term review.We want a re-evaluation of our participation in these agreements, and consultation with the American people has to be accomplished.Taxation and Free Enterprise The GOP tax package favored those with income primarily from investments in major corporations. It left those with personal income from non-public businesses and employment to bear the burden. Corporations pay no taxes. Now, combined with pre-existing loopholes, those that receive the benefits of ownership are also largely exempted. "Free Enterprise" has become a catchword to conceal the practice of using government to suppress competition. If corporations have the protection of individuals under law, then every individual is a corporation. We demand equality, not subsidization and special protection. Free Enterprise should be the engine of a free society.
Learn more about your Democratic Members of Congress by clicking on your state on the map below:
Senate Races 2008
Democratic Senators - 12 UP FOR RE-ELECTION
Max Baucus (MT)Joe Biden (DE)
Dick Durbin (IL)
Tom Harkin (IA)
Tim Johnson (SD)
John Kerry (MA)
Mary Landrieu (LA)Frank Lautenberg (NJ)
Carl Levin (MI)
Mark Pryor (AR)
Jack Reed (RI)
Jay Rockefeller (WV)
Republican Senators - 17 UP FOR RE-ELECTION
Lamar Alexander (TN)
John Barrasso (WY)
Saxby Chambliss (GA)
Thad Cochran (MS)
Norm Coleman (MN)
Susan Collins (ME)
John Cornyn (TX)
Elizabeth Dole (NC)
Michael Enzi (WY)
Lindsey Graham (SC)
Jim Inhofe (OK)
Mitch McConnell (KY)
Pat Roberts (KS)
Jeff Sessions (AL)
Gordon Smith (OR)
Ted Stevens (AK)
John Sununu (NH)
Open Seats (6)
Republican (CO)
Republican (ID)
Republican (MS)
Republican (NE)
Republican (NM)
Republican (VA)