my daughter, checker marathons, pinhole photography, painting, tomatoes, stinky cheese, easter island, hammerhead sharks, cooking, daguerreotypes, lemon curd.
Nini Grunion
butthole surfers, gun club, edith piaf, lounge lizards, birthday party, motorhead, nick cave and the bad seeds, astor piazzolla, wilson pickett, 45 grave, tom waits, los straightjackets, dick dale, slim cessna's auto club, the cramps, ruth etting, hasil adkins, bob wills and his texas playboys, calexico, x, the raincoats, gene krupa, louis armstrong, beau hunks, reverend glasseye and his wooden legs, the hellacopters, little jimmy dickens.
julien donkey-boy, tuvalu, bubba ho-tep, singing in the rain, rope, MONSTURD
the avengers, buffy the vampire slayer, firefly, perry mason, twin peaks
philip k. dick, annie proulx, kurt vonnegut, flaming carrot, iceberg slim, hunter s. thompson, charles bukowski, nini grunion, don delillo, jim thompson, harry crews, chuck palahniuk, janet frame, keri hulme.....any.
emma peel, artemisia gentileschi, julia child, nini grunion