Frustratingly untapped creativity, yoga, chips and salsa, game design, game playing, travelling, both for work and for fun, seeing how many indigenous animals in how many foreign countries I can punch, Indian food, Netflix, Indie,, + TiddlyWiki to keep my life in semi-order, DJing for V89 [once upon a time], Nintendo up/Sony down, Linux, bottle rocket wars, multiplayer arcade games, reading, hiking/geocaching, Boggle, barbecue, pain beams, cooking, dancing, DDR (novice-like), Lego, real maple syrup, Austin
technically working on finishing Metroid Prime 2 finally, but my Wii is woefully unattended. Sad.
Hundreds of bees. Angry bees. And angry women. Who want to punch me in the face.
Potential hangsters. People to play Smash Bros. with. Ditto for music and indian leg wrestling. People to subvert the RIAA and ensure our children a future devoid of pointy-headed record execs and people who make money off of Chan Marshall, because she's all crazy and beautiful, and people who take advantage of people like her are not people but small pustules on the nipples of the devil. Anti-anti-intellectuals. People that like listening to the whole album. You know, peeps. What else do you meet?
Songs:Ohia/Magnolia Electric Co, Beatles, Lightning Bolt, Explosions in the Sky, M83, Kid606, Godspeed, Autechre, Concretes, Wolf Eyes, Raymond Scott, Boards of Canada, Camera Obscura, Cat Power, cLOUDDEAD, Labradford, Neko Case, Japancakes, Mogwai, Mum, Pedro the Lion, Set Fire to Flames, Bjork, the Les Mis London Cast album, Junior Brown, Air, Aesop Rock, A Silver Mt Zion, Nobuo Uematsu Final Fantasy stuff, M Ward, Willie Nelson, Rentals, RJD2, Gnarles, Broken Social Scene, Lord Invader, Magnetic Fields, Dr Dog, tons. Here's a semi-comprehensive list of my mp3 folders, which are basically my ripped cd collection.
In summary, about five percent of every conceivable genre out there, like 300 pink 31-flavors spoonsful all glommed together, sealed with Magic Shell, deep fried and then dropped into a polluted river leading to a mangrove swamp. I have a complicated relationship with music.
Recent DVD acquisitions:Nil
Recent Netflix:Arrested Development seasons 1 and 2, Mighty Aphrodite, Macbeth
Recent cinema:28 Weeks Later
Classics: Kurosawa, Leone, Star Wars & LOTR naturally, Jeunet, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Miyazaki, especially Tonari no Totoro and Howl's Moving Castle, The Coens, the new Dawn of the Dead, Kubrick, Kung Fu Hustle, Wes and PT Anderson, Zhang Yimou, Jim Jarmusch, that whole Gondry/Jonze/Kaufman bunch of crazy kids
Watching TV via Netflix, so Arrested Development, american Office, Sealab.
Read Recently:Potter books 5 and 6 in prep for 7, The Master and Margarita,
Reading: Autumn of the Patriarch
Will Read: Islands in the Stream, Ulysses, East of Eden, Absalom, Absalom, Great Expectations, Design Patterns, The Road
Select Faves: Steinbeck, Hemingway, Krakauer, Cormac McCarthy, select Stephen King stuff, Bradbury, Salinger, Tolstoy, Tolkien, Potter, The White Mountains trilogy, Arundathi Roy, Vonnegut, Dostoevsky, Dickens, Faulkner, Orwell, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Wilford goddamn Brimley.