I'm up for anything ~ In the name of Experience whether it be Good, Great, Painful, Endearing, Beautiful, Bonding, Gut Wrenching, Sorrowful, Bounding, Etc! I'm a Voyeur in life yet very much a participating audience member.
Geez! The underpriveledged children wearing old band T~shirts I've donated to in India, South America & Southeast Asia so I may relay the funny stories behind the shirts to make them laugh. You, Mother Teresa, Albert Camus, The Dalai Lama, Charles Bukowski, Ram Das, Nosferatu, Michio Kushi, William Burroughs, George Ohsawa, Tura Satana, Anne Rice, etc... The Eclectic List Is Infinite...
SERIOUSLY!? My spectrum of liking ranges from blues & twang to classical, Good Old Punk Rock & screaming banshees to "just hand me the fuckin' razorblades already" Elliot Smith. It's all contingent upon the kind of mood I'm in. My ears don't have the sense and sensibility to discriminate against any genre of music. Any music that has the power move my spirit I love. I definitely have a profound love for stimulating live performances and artists... And I may be serenaded with almost any instrument.
Since I don't visit movie theatres much, I am pretty outdated in the sense of new arrivals, but I do have quite a flare for the oldies. Horror classics Argento style! Oh Yeah, I'm a pretty big fan of Russ Meyer. heehee
It's all about having 600+ channels of absolute bullshit at my fingertips... at ALL times.
I read and reread books all the time. Some I open and take 6 months to read. I fidgit too much to sit and read just one from cover to cover. Always 5 to 8 at a time ~ intermittently.
My family!!! My Father ~ For making infinite efforts, albeit a few were hubris, to teach me life is about humility, pain & brutal awakenings as well as beauty & fragility. My Mother ~ For her HUMBLE efforts, her unconditional love & support through ALL of the hell I've drug her through over the years. For overcoming her demons & suicidal thoughts to help me understand that WE are ALL humankind and we MUST try to be mindful of this fact! We All Must TRY to deal with our shortcomings by not letting our shortcomings deal us in. My Big Brother ~ For teaching me resilience & endurance to physical pain. My BEAUTIfuckinFUL SISTER for being my BEST FRIEND, Soul Mate, Confidante, My Rock to keep my kite from flying away into the bliss I call my inner demons. My TRUE friends that know me and still fuckin love me anyway! My friends that know relationships only last if they're reciprocal and without judgement or expectations. My Wise and Great Friend/Mentor ~ Benjamin Tew...Just for being B. Oh, and I've had a weird / respectful obsession with the Supermasochist Mr. Bob Flanigan. And of course, Tura Satana!