Jakuzi’s Attempt To Die, Asshole! profile picture

Jakuzi’s Attempt To Die, Asshole!

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About Me

"Whisper" music video by Marlon Fink (Nevele Productions)
Jakuzi's Attempt - "Thunder"

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"Thunder" Music Video by Robsphere
Try Now

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"Try Now" Music Video by Kevin A. Rausch , Paul Krimmer and Stefan Kreuzer
Jakuzi..s attempt poskua s svojo glasbo ustvariti abstraktno avanturo znotraj postmoderne kapitalistiène drube, ki nas je pripeljala do te mere da moramo realnost oznaèiti, da lahko obstaja.
Opisani kot bolni, nenormalni in celo mentalno oporeèni se mora njihov nastop razumeti ravno obratno, torej kot osvoboditev iz socialne omejenosti in zaprtosti vase v drubi.
Bend je nastal leta 2004, ne dolgo nazaj so v samozalozbi izdali istoimenski album, kar predstavlja njihov pristop do glasbe, umetnosti in komunikacije

Az osztrák illetoségu Jakuzi's Attempt hitvallása szerint egy absztrakt és kalandos utat kreált a posztmodern kapitalista társadalomban, ami idáig körbeölelt, hogy a valóság címkéjével lásson el. Úgy is jellemezhetjük oket, mint egy beteg, kifordult, egyenesen skizofrén jelenséget, de a zenekar ellentmondásos fellépésein a hitelesség tiszta jelenléte provokáció formájában ölt alakot. A bennünket körülvevo társadalmi neurózis és a korlátozó falak kibocsátotta kétségek hathatnak inspirációként is, ha az iróniából erot merítve tudjuk olvasni ezeket a jeleket.
Jakuzi's attempt is to create an abstract adventure land within a
postmodern capitalist society that has come so far that reality has to be
labeled as such. Authenticity in its clear form is seen as provocation.
Described as sick, deranged and even schizophrenic, the bands live
performance has to be understood as the exact opposite. Namely the release from
social neurosis and the restrictive walls around us. Autobiographically these very issues can without a doubt be located as forcing powers.
Moreover irony, an essential conceptual element, appears as a link between the two extremes mentioned above.
"Jakuzi's Attempt can be described as an "aphex infant prodigy" declaiming
and screaming that bears resemblance to an opulent baroque
austrian monster, tourists could easily confuse with mozart."
Jakuzis Attempt is an open concept, calling on you to be part of it.
The self titled EP has just been (self) released, and represents the bands
approach to music, art and communication.
"Aanvallen doet het Oostenrijkse trio Jakuzi's Attempt. Een gepastere naam zou misschien zijn: Jacuzi's Attempt to Copy the Sound of The Locust, maar met zo’n naam breek je waarschijnlijk niet door. De band neemt ons mee in een trip vol ritmewisselingen, vette beats en krijsende vocals. Verder dan een aardige poging om overtuigend te klinken, komen ze echter niet." ( Hanne Rombouts @KindaMuzik )
Booking: [email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 8/7/2005
Band Website: jakuzisattempt.com
Band Members:

Live at Ragnarhof - PREORDER!!!

dieschwarzarbeit for Wire Globe :

Fuckhead/Jakuzi's Attempt/M185/Beauties of the night Live at Ragnarhof, 1st of September 2007

Gatefold Double LP + Download Code EUR 20,-- + Postage [email protected]

Release: 19th of March 2008 (Wire Globe Night @Rhiz, Vienna)

Debut EP remixed and remastered on green vinyl out now!
Silkscreen printed cardboard cover
16 page Booklet
Download Code


Cost: 11€ + shipping


Cracked Zine (english)
Popcultures (german)
Storminside (slovenian)
Allschools (german)
Mashnote (english)
Hartboiled (german/english)
die.bluemchentapete (german)
STNT (french)
Ox-Fanzine (german)
Poisonfree (english)
BurnYourEars Webzine (german)
Shoot Me Again (french)
Falter (austrian)

Ep availability:
Feel free to contact us if you..d like to get a copy.
You can also purchase it at the following places:

Substance Recordstore (Vienna) CD/Vinyl
Yummy Recordstore (Vienna) CD/Vinyl
Rave Up Records (Vienna) Vinyl
Interstellar Records Mailorder (Linz) CD/Vinyl
Dux Records (Graz) CD/Vinyl
Bis aufs Messer (Berlin) CD/Vinyl
Modest Imperial (Berlin) Vinyl
X-Mist Mailorder Vinyl
Heart On Fire Distro (Liège) CD/Vinyl
Edge World (6 Kensington Gardens, Brighton) Vinyl
Os A Ronger Distro (Orleans) Vinyl

Feel free as well to contact us if you are running a store or a distro and want to add our debut Ep to your stock.

"Try Now" featured on the Elevate Compilation 2007:

Sounds Like: Jakuzi's Attempt su tri Austrijanca koja ne vole modernu muziku. Dosadila im je, eto. Banalna je. Konformisticka. Laka za slu..ati i sporedna. I oni su odlucili uciniti ne..to po tom pitanju. Ono ..to oni sviraju ne mo..e se opisati u jednoj recenici. Oni su uzeli konvencionalnu gitarsku glazbu, nazovimo je rockom, razbili je i krenuli ponovno sastavljati po novim pravilima. Izbacili su nu..nu pravilnost, ubacili pone..to digitalnih ritmova, odlucili se igrati. Da bismo mi na kraju dobili ne..to ..to se mo..e opisati kao suluda kombinacija Dillinger Escape Plana, Aphex Twina, Orchida i hardcore techna devdesetih. A mo..da i ne mo..e. Na vama je da prosudite, no garantiramo vam da se necete razocarati. Live nastup Jakuzi's Attempta (..to vam mogu potvrditi i gosti Vile Kiseljak na ne tako davnom koncertu ovog benda) je jedno od najfreneticnijih glazbenih iskustava koja se mogu do..ivjeti, gdje se clanovi benda nece libiti da usred nastupa uzmu cinele i krenu udarati po njima hodajuci medu publikom, gdje usred svega gitarist mo..e pasti preko seta bubnjeva bez da to imalo prekine tijek nastupa, gdje usred naj..e..ceg noisea mo..e uletiti minimalisticki techno ritam...

Record Label: Wire Globe Recordings (Vinyl)
Type of Label: None

My Blog

"When Hardcore tries too hard" (a live review from the punker diaries)

The following essay was written referring to our show at Kultiplex in Budapest on the 20th of February 2007. When Hardcore tries too hard Sunday February 25th 2007, 1:49 am Filed under: Bu...
Posted by Jakuzi’s Attempt To Die, Asshole! on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 05:52:00 PST

Your Venice!

If you hear it....  ....send us a picture of your personal Venice! In printable quality. We´d need it as soon as possible. That means - for the quickest of you - until friday...  jaku...
Posted by Jakuzi’s Attempt To Die, Asshole! on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 02:56:00 PST

Debut EP remixed and remastered on vinyl!!!

A remixed and remastered vinyl version of the Jakuzi´s Attempt debut EP will be released by Wire Globe Recordings soon. For pre-orders write here ...
Posted by Jakuzi’s Attempt To Die, Asshole! on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 05:53:00 PST

Line-up changes

Due to personal reasons our singer Hannes is not capable of proceeding with the band for the time being. We decided to continue as a three piece, because everything else seems pointless to us at this ...
Posted by Jakuzi’s Attempt To Die, Asshole! on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 08:59:00 PST