resofactor profile picture


Feel the energy...

About Me

This is my personal profile for friends & networking. I'll update this profile sometime in the near future. Occupied with higher priorities most of the time...

My Interests

Various interests AI, access virus TI, acid pro 4, alesis ION, altered states, alvin toffler, ambient music, ampedout, analog synths, androidism, angels, anime, art, art therapy, astral projection, asymmetry, astrology, astronomy, auras, bass VI, buddism, business, business logic, business logistics, butoh, c-body travel, chai, chanting, chi kung, china, coffee, conscious, conscious sciences, consciousness studies, corsets, corvette 1973 stingray, corvette Z06, CRM, cybernetics, dance, dancing, databases, death, digital photo editing, digital recording, digital synths, digital synthesizers, dsp, duchamp, ERP, exercise, fedora core OS, feng shui, fender guitars, FM synthesis, FM synthesizers, foreign films, fractals, Functionalism, gocar, gibson guitars, granular synthesis, gravity control, gravity field modulation, geomancy, guitars, holland, Idfi, indian food, invader zim , japanese food, kama sutra, kamikazis, kenjutsu, kittens, kitties, korg, kurzweil AI, landmark, landmark curriculum for living, landmark education, latex, life, logic audio, man ray, manga, micronauts, middle eastern food, modular synthesis, MOTM, muse research, muse research-Receptor, my SQL, night, ninpo, noh, nord lead 2x, nord modular G2, novell desktop linux, ontology, OOP, oracle, performance art, phase distortion synthesizers, photography, photoshop, planets, plasma, project argus, psycho cybernetics, red hat linux, relationships, research, roland, sacred geometry, sci-fi, scrying, sex, shamanism, softsynths, soy, space, space exploration, space technologies, space travel, spirituality, spiritual beings, spiritual sciences, star trek, studio electronics, sun, sun micro systems, sun solaris OS, supply chain, supply chain managment, suprematism, surrealism, sushi, suspension, symmetry, synth edit, synthesizers, taiko, tantra, tao, tarot, thai food, time, time travel, traveling without moving, ume, unix, vapor synthesis, vector synthesis, virtual analog synthesizers, video, vst, waldorf electronics, waldorf microwave series, waldorf Q, wavetable synthesis, webpages, wine, wine emulator, women, world future society, yoga, zen, Z-plane synthesis, zodiac,

Studio Equipment (1987-2005)synthesizers & sound modules:casio: cz5000, vz10memu: proteus Iensoniq: eps (original)kawai: k1, k3, kc10korg: 01W/fd, ds-8, dss-1, mini700s, polysixkurzweil: k2vxnovation: novaoberheim: matrix 1000peavey: spectrum bass, spectrum synth w/ PC 1600radio shack: concertmate mg1roland: d-110, jp-8000(x2), jv-30, jx-10, studioMsequential circuits: sixtrack, TOMyamaha: an1x, cs1x, fb-01, sy-22, tx-81zdrum machines & drum modules:alesis: d4, dm5, hr16boss: dr-660korg: ddm-110roland: tr-505 tr-707guitars:fender: 1962 jazzmaster re-issue, pbass, venus electic XII (squire)gibson: epiphone les paul ltd edition, epiphone sheradon II various* pawnshop guitarseffects processors:alesis: microgate, microlimiter, midiverb2, quadverbboss: me-6, me-8, se-50, vf-1, various* pedal effectskorg : A5mixers:alesis: 1622behringer: 2408kawai: mx-8rrecording & sequencing & software applications:abelton live arturia storm buzz tracker cool edit delusion rubberduck Dr. Ts for the c64/128 emagic logic notator for the atari 1040st emagic logic audio gold ver 4.8.1 emagic logic audio platinum ver 5.5.1 fruity loops studio 4.51 granulab propellerhead reason 1.0 propellerhead rebirth 2.0 propellerhead recycle 2.0 sonic foundry acid 4.0 sonic foundry sound forge 4.5 steinberg wavelab ver 2-3.5 synthedit etc.computers & soundcards:atari 1040st commodore c64/128 compaq 5204 350mhz PC creative extigy event layla (orig) HP pavillion 8580c 500mhz PC generic atx 1ghz PC roland vs-880 2 ex

I'd like to meet:

Animators, artists, choreographers, dancers, DJs, engineers, entertainers, european models, fashion designers, film makers, healers, graphics designers, media, media moguls, press agents, performers, production units(pre-post), radio talk show hosts, Scientists, web designers, etc.

What to know anything else about me? Ask.

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Ambient, Classical, Club, Down Tempo, Drum & Bass, Dub, EBM, Electro, Electronica, Experimental, Industrial (most subgenres), House, Goa, Gothic, IDM, Metal, New Wave, Progressive House, Psy Trance, Rock, Synthpop, Techno, Trance, Trip Hop,


Rare individuals that have made a profound difference in my life.

My Blog

Daily Extended

..>..>..>Every now and then, Yahoo! horoscopes have insightful words to share, even if it applies to everyone of my sign or not. A little Wisdom for June 1, 2007:Daily Extended Forecast for June 01, 2...
Posted by resofactor on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 07:39:00 PST

Women are lazier than men

When it comes to Romance and Relationships? Fuck yes. I state this claim 100% completely unapologetically. Women are LAZIER than men, at dating and romance in general. Know what? At 33, now that I kno...
Posted by resofactor on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 01:17:00 PST


kundalinitonightmind's eyedriftingfloatingwhite dreamsholdingemaralds hopingyellow togreenerchakrasopenpassionyearningsweetestburningsonicblank etcomfortingservingtaken lifeand desireLord, salvationyou...
Posted by resofactor on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 10:16:00 PST


Have been getting the computer here setup as an audio production station. Learning my way around Goldwave. If you're ever processing audio, and looking for mastering software that won't set you back f...
Posted by resofactor on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 09:28:00 PST

Today's Fortune Cookie

Here's today's Wisdom from fortune cookie proverbs:Your lover will never wish to leave.Lucky numbers 37, 28, 14, 29, 45, 30LEARN CHINESE: Gift Li-wuResofactor...
Posted by resofactor on Thu, 31 May 2007 12:23:00 PST

All Good Things, Part I (of II)

49 INT. READY ROOM - PAST - CONTINUOUS As Picard steps through the doors, the SCENE CHANGES TO:50 INT. COURTROOM (OPTICAL) Picard is suddenly in front of the screaming crowd, as seen in "Farpoint"...
Posted by resofactor on Thu, 31 May 2007 07:14:00 PST

All Good Things, Part II

Below is a transcript from Part II of "All Good Things". It was the double episode and final episode which closed outStar Trek TNG seven year run. There is much wisdom contained within these words,eve...
Posted by resofactor on Thu, 31 May 2007 07:03:00 PST


Always a strange dynamic isn't it? This concept of Connections, or better yet; being connected or feeling connected to something or someone else outside of (y)ourselves. What is this connection? Can w...
Posted by resofactor on Wed, 30 May 2007 01:05:00 PST

Bring on the Dancing Horses

I'm sure a number of MySpace friends have thought at some point: "Hey Resofactor, get down off of your high horse." I do not ride horses! lol Actually much of what I address via the blog; whether it l...
Posted by resofactor on Wed, 30 May 2007 09:55:00 PST

Thought Patterns Interface

We are after all creatures of habit. Much of the make up of our thoughts, determines what we will we experience. How we are thinking about it all. The hidden meanings, the conjecture, the beliefs we h...
Posted by resofactor on Wed, 30 May 2007 09:18:00 PST