My Newest Prom pic ~My new favorite toy!An underground radio show that kills... Idiots in a Box .I like to study critical thinking, comparative religions, philosophy, cause and effect, sciences, history, and sword fighting (katana is my favorite).
I have been looking for smart, quick-witted, magickal people who understand causality and enjoy pop culture on an ironic (but not overly cynical) level. The love I have found is a uniquely beautiful soul who has been searching for subtle interconnected sillyness of reality... The friends are essentially similar with somewhat less sexual chemistry and compatibility.
I love my XM. I can't deal with commercials anymore. I love female singer / songwriters; Jewel, Tori Amos... a few pop stars; Shakira, Michelle Branch, Nelly Furtado, Y Clef, Kelly Clarkson (Guilty Pleasure). I love jazz, metal, folk, movie scores, trip-pop, 70s funk, Northern Hungarian throat singing... You see, this is why I got XM, too many favorites.
Anything by Kevin Smith, George A. Romero or Alan Smithee. It would also seem that many of my kind of movies are written and directed by teams of brothers. Wachowski brothers – Andy & Larry, Farrelly brothers – Peter & Bobby, Coen brothers – Joel & Ethan, Wayans brothers – Shawn, Marlon & Keenen Ivory, Zucker brothers – David & Jerry. I love the Matrix Trilogy, Star Wars (yes all of them), huge block busters and tiny indi films. So many movies... I dump so much money on DVDs. Zombie movies, under-culture and superhero movies (that are well written and acted) dominate my collection. I think I check IMDb over five times a day.
WWE, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Family Guy, The Simpsons, Futurama, Robot Chicken... Sopranos, and tons of science documentaries.
I don’t read that much I am too lazy. So how about mentioning the few books that have changed my thinking forever;
Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shruggedâ€
Fritjof Capra’s “The Tao of Physicsâ€
Jean Baudrillard’s “Simulacra and Simulationâ€
Sun Tzu’s “Art of Warâ€
Charlie is my hero..... width="425" height="350" ..... and Stitch
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