I am a rather eccentric creature who finds it hard to sum herself up in a concise way...
I am a singer, a crafter of music and of words; I am a Pagan priestess and an ordained interfaith minister; an artist, a lifelong horsewoman. I am a Thelemite and a collared submissive: that dichotomy works very much to my liking. I find that by pouring myself out in service to my Master I am wholly freed to explore and expand that Self, and that in this way He polishes the jewel of my spirit brighter and brighter as time passes.
Friend me and keep me company on the journey if you feel so inclined. I can't promise where we'll end up, but the trip won't be boring!
Click here and catch my music profile too -- and bands and musicians, that is the place to send friend requests!
And my LiveJournal keeps a more complete archive, if you feel the need to delve into my even deeper, darker past.
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