What mental disorder do you have? Your Result: Manic Depressive
You have extreme cycles of highs and lows. Sometimes you feel like you don't know who you are. One week you could be very hyper and happy and the next week you are slow and depressed.
OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
What mental disorder do you have?Dude! You're 100% from Massachusetts!
Dude! Me and Sully and Fitzie and Sean are gonna hit Landsdowne tonight after the game, hang out at the Beerworks. I'll pick you up at the Coop at 6.
How Massachusetts are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
Greed: High
Gluttony: Medium
Wrath: High
Sloth: High
Envy: Very High
Lust: High
Pride: Very High
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