Martial Arts (Hsing-I, Hung Gar, Jeet Ku Do, Brazilian Juijutsu, etc), History (ancient, sailing age, all parts of the world), Philosophy, Fishing (salt water mainly), Traveling (been all over Western North America and want to explore more), Sports (Football, Hockey, Rugby, Curling), the Paranormal (Ghosts, Shadow People, clairvoyance, past lives, etc.), and Physics (real and theoretical)
Pretty open to anything..I enjoy life and what it has to offer, I enjoy being around those you also see life as a grand adventure and have not given up on dreams and desires.People that want more out of life and make the world a better place.And those that can laugh at life.
From Classical to Reggea and everything in between.
Comedies, Adventures, B-rate Sci-Fi and Martial Arts flicks.
I see enough of blinking screens at work...
All kinds of books. More personal growth and self-improvement and business leadership.
Wolfgang A. Mozart, Bruce Lee, Newt Rockne, Vince Lombardi, Remo Williams.