Silhouette Lounge profile picture

Silhouette Lounge


About Me

Next door to Tinks Entertainment complex, Silhouette Lounge is located on 523 Linden st in the heart of Downtown Scranton, PA. The bar Was started back in the mid to late 60's It is believed to be N.E. PA's oldest running gay bar. The Sil catered to men and woman of similiar interest in the days when Diversity, Pride and Gay was words never used in the Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered community. Silhouette caters to a openly, friendly and diverse crowd of men and woman.
Come visit us. We're sure you'll enjoy our , tasty beverages and friendly clientele.

See you soon..... The staff of Silhouette Lounge. http://www.SilhouetteLounge.Net

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Gay, Str8, Bi, Curious, Transgendered...We Love You ALL!!!
Silhouette is a 21+ Establishment - Strictly enforced!.

My Blog


It is with Deep regret to announce that I have been bought out of the Silhouette Lounge on 523 Linden St in Scranton, PA Next week, some papers will be signed, I will accept a check and simply put (wi...
Posted by Silhouette Lounge on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 02:07:00 PST

Scranton, PA Silhouette Lounge

Next door to Tinks Entertainment complex, Silhouette Lounge is located on 523 Linden st in the heart of Downtown Scranton, PA. The bar Was started back in the mid to late 60's It is thought of as N.E....
Posted by Silhouette Lounge on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 02:03:00 PST