facio merdam super te profile picture

facio merdam super te

I am here for Friends

About Me

Whats up people? thx for looking on my gay myspace site hope you enjoy it and stuff! Well 2 more years to go for my bachelor degree in teaching fine art so well maybe a master degree will follow who the fuck knows?! Any way i like loud ass music and well horror movies and stuff also like jazz btw.. Also i like wresteling but they took t off the cable here and stuff so thats pretty gay! Enough of the blablbla wanna know more ask dont be shy i dont bite i will just slide you in little pieces with a kitchen knife film it and throw your remains in a pigsstable mahahahah ps for all your dumbasses up there no i dont wear WOODENSHOES!ps. for people that dont read my blog:' i dont want to be hit on or talked dirty too right now!!!' If you wish to ignore this you are deleted from my list. I dont try to be a bitch or something but please respect this!I STOPT ADDING PEOPLE MYSELF IF YOU WANT TO BE IN MY FRIENDSLIST YOU HAVE TO SEND ME A REQUEST...
Learn Chinese in 5 minuts
1) Thats not right .........................................Sum Ting Wong
2) Are you harboring a fugitive?................. ...Hu Yu Hai Ding?
3) See me ASAP...........................................Kum Hai Noa
4) Stupid Man...............................................Dum Gai
5) Small Horse.............................................Tai Ni Po Ni
6) Did you go to the beach? ..........................Wai Yu So Tan?
7) I bumped into a coffee table......................Ai Bang Mai Ni
8) I think i need a face lift.............................Chin Tu Fat
9) Its very dark in here.................................Wai So Dim?
10) I thought you were on a diet.....................Wai Yu Mun CHing?
11) This is a tow away zone ...........................No Pah King
13) Our meeting is scheduled for next week.....Wai Yu Kum Nao?
14) Hes cleaning his automobile .................... Wa Shing Ka
15) Your body odor is offensive ..................... Yu Stin Ki Pu
16 Great ...................................................... Fu Kin Su Pah

My Interests

sport, art, drawing, wwe, and music !


deathmetal/thrash/grind death, morbid angel, monstrosity, cannibal corpse, krisiun, dark angel, slayer, cryptopsy, carcass, obituary, nile, dying fetus, immolation, hate eternal, destruction, sodom, cynic, devourment, napalm death, mortician, malevolent creation, suffocation, Malignancy, misery index, vital remains, incantation, disincarnate, skinless, cephalic carnage, anal blast, beheaded, disgorge,demolition hammer, bloodboil,vader, coprofago, bloodbath, machetazo, necrovore, diabolic, Hypocrisy, Wormed, possessed, decapitated, dilinger escape plan, vile, polluted inheritance, human remains, aborted, inhume, deeds of flesh, rottrevore, prostitute disfigurment, brutal truth, pestilence, sinister, vader, vomitory, severe torture, autopsy, master, origin, disgorge (both), broken hope,necrophagia, internal suffering ,human mincer, gorguts, meshuggah, testament, spawn of possession, dead flesh, malignant inception and BODYCOUNT!! But i also love some jazz and some hardrock


gore spletter horror movies


love books from lovecraft, ludlum, clive barker and stephen king

My Blog

for people that are wondering yes im single again

after alot of talking me and eric decided to be just friends, we both agree its for the best! We need to get our life back on track and think about ourselves for a change and not wurry about the other...
Posted by facio merdam super te on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 04:36:00 PST

pictures of our new snake coming up!!

got my bf a snake for his 26th birthdat ill be puttings pics on here soon
Posted by facio merdam super te on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 06:00:00 PST

All check out my best friend joyce her page!

Joyce is a very talented singer i dont think most of your guys would like the music style but check it out!!! http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPro file&friendID=11363757&...
Posted by facio merdam super te on Tue, 18 Oct 2005 07:52:00 PST