I LOVE acting, all types, but especially film. I love all kinds of art, painting, drawing, glass fusing, etc. I love to dance and sing. I love rock climbing, camping, hiking, fishing, out doorsie stuff. I also like to lounge around and watch movies or read. Although I'm not great yet, I love playing my guitar. I have so many interests, the list goes on and on...
All types of people, I'm very eclectic and the diversity of my friends reflect that. If I could meet someone, anyone, who could get me into television and film, that would be a plus!
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I like ALL music. If I had to pick I'd have to say classic rock and blues/R&;B are some of my favorites. I like ZZ Top, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Marvin Gay is the man, Postal Service, Ohio, Water Deep, Beatles... I could go on forever in every genre of music.
Again too many to choose from. I enjoy Alfred Hitchcock movies. I really like Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Usual Suspects, Fight Club, Boon Dock Saints, Shawshank Redemption, Lord of The Rings Trilogy, Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love, Requiem for a Dream...I like movies that make you think, but sometimes I just feel like a dumb comedy (ie:Monty Python, ANY Mel Brooks film,etc.). Oh yeah and of course...SERENITY RULES!
I only watch television shows that have been purchased or downloaded, I'm obsessed with Naruto, Cowboy Beebop, Samurai Champloo, and Bleach. I LOVE Firefly and Wonderfalls, Joss Whedon rules, stupid fox! 24 controls me, I try to have a date with Jack Bauer at least twice a day. Oh yeah and who could forget Quantum Leap?! It's the shizniz!! ;)
The Bible, The Complete Tales & Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, Ishmael, Revolutions in World Missions, Choose the Life, C.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity"...author Flannery O'Connor rocks! :) and the list goes on...
Jesus, he gave his life for the ones he loved and is the perfect man and my prayer is that I can live my life more like him with every passing day. Jodi Erickson is also a big hero of mine, she became a paraplegic from the neck down in her teenage years. She is now an amazing painter, she does this by painting with her mouth! She is a motivational speaker and an amazing lady.