MUSIC and movies... I am a very musical person.. I am always playing or writing music.. it is my very soul... I love to go sing karaoke but I'm really not a singer, guitar player yes.. singer.. not so much... :-)
I would like to meet: Flyleaf,James Hetfield , Kirk hammett, Breaking Benjamin, silverchair, Evans blue, The cast of Smallville, hugh hefner, every playmate ever, Pretty much everyone else I have met already when I worked at planet hollywood in vegas or at the porn convention...
movies that make you think, or sad sappy movies that make you cry, comedy is good but scary movies are kinda boring cuz they don't scare me and the acting is usually bad but there are one or 2 good ones.. I do like mystery type scary movies if they keep ya guessing.. I enjoy watching scarey movies with Sarah cuz she's more fun to watch than the movie is :-)
Smallville, Big Love (polyamory is natural :-D ) ER, Rome, even.. I hate to admit it but american idol.. :-/ I know, i know
the hobbit and the lord of the rings, playboy, inside of cd inserts, brain droppings by george carlin, guitar, stephen king.
anyone that puts others ahead of themselves are heros to me.. we need more of that... selfish people make me sick.. I think everyone should give a little more to there fellow man (or woman) The world would be a lot more fun.. :-)selfish is ugly..