traces of death profile picture

traces of death


About Me

Traces of Death was originally formed by "corvus" and "korrupter" in the beginning of 2006. | Corvus with a little help from Korrupter started writing some riffs and ideas mostly inspired ,musically, by the old-school swedish death metal scene of the late 80’s,early 90’s and death metal in general and lyrically by some nihilistic point of views. | In september of 2006, "blast" joined T.o.D. to fill the empty seat behind the drum set and together recorded two tracks. | Due to some obligations the band’s action took a pause for several months. Almost a year later, everything seems that there is going to be a line-up change as Korrupter is concentrated on the bass guitar. In other words a new guitarist is going to join the band. In the meantime, T.o.D. collects ideas in order to release a "complete" demo(at last) in the future. | In the beggining of the autumn in 2007, Alex joins the band as second guitarist and Korrupter takes control of the bass guitar. | In the early 2008, John "blast" leaves the band. | Spring 2008...A skilled drummer is finally found. Vaggelis joins Traces of Death.

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My Interests


Member Since: 9/9/2007
Band Website: n/a
Band Members: constantine "corvus": guitars and voxjohn "korrupter": bass and backing voxalex: guitarsvaggelis: drums
Influences: Grave, Unleashed, Entombed, Dismember, Carnage, Asphyx, Morgoth
Sounds Like: DEATH METAL
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Alexandros (guitars) has joined the band a couple of months ago.... Photo of Alexandros will soon be posted in the band members' section as well as a brand new logo... So the curr...
Posted by traces of death on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 05:16:00 PST