Phasmatis of Interitus profile picture

Phasmatis of Interitus

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Land Of Dreams
I draft the meaning of the word of life and history
I am the son of mother wisdom
The essence of the secrets of the mind
That mutined the folks out of oblivion
To give meaning to their ideals
And knowledge on the years of their ancestors
I am the description of history
The philosophy of existence
Throughout the word of the Heliad to the frozen Wotan
And from Edda to Zarathustra
I unite the Gods with you
I possess the secrets of religiousness
And still your fears and your vanities
I am He who crushes the truth of simple life
To instruct your Godhood and Heroism
From the sanctuaries of the forests and the temples
To the secrets of the cliffs and the birds
Resist to the lie that bolts to the woods
Envy the seed of the divine that we hide inside us
My body is myriads of black and scarlet banners
And endless runes and symbols of the land of Europa
That stole the fire from the moon
And gave it to thousands of children
As they saluted through their shadows
In Die Schlacht
[1.] Eisig ist die Nacht, und der Rösser dumpfer Hufschlag dröhnt
Schneessturm peitscht das Land, unsre Haare wehen wild im Wind
Voll Blutdurst jeder Ger und der Stahl singt kalt und Silberhell
So geht es in der Schlacht, wir erreichen die Feinde schnell
[2.] Dem Feind entgegen ohne Zagen, niemand weiß, wer wiederkehrt
Äxte spalten Schädel, rotgetränkt ist jedes Schwert
Aus tausend Wunden strömt es warm, am Kriegerblut der Grund sich labt
Und Schlachtendonner hallt aus dem Nebeldunst, der blutrot wabt
Manche Brünne bricht entzwei, mancher Helm gibt preis das Hirn
Gen Walhall' ziehn tote Helden auf den Rössern der Walkür'n
Wotan schleudert Blitze wild und Donar schwingt den Hammer stark
Feinde werd'n gemetzelt in dieser rasend-wüsten Schlacht
[3.] Die Feinde sind zerschlagen nun, wie welkes Laub vom Wind verweht
Stolz hebt die Eisenfaust zum Gruße für alles das, was ewig steht
Wann immer sich ein Gegner naht, gedenken wir des Blutschwurs treu
Dann geht es auf zur nächsten Schlacht, daß stehts das Land bewehret sei
Piles of flesh buried by years. The sands of time are covering our eyes. Jaded by life. This nausea keeps going on growing. Aborted visions of tomorrow.

These nights are endless. And the wind will bring us the coldness of depression.

A life I cannot face. Their voices fill this dark emptiness. Desolated vastlands. The broken wings of a fallen bird. This beauty I'll find becoming a rotten body.

Time here has stopped. A new dimension out of space.

Last exit for paranoia - Infinite despondency. My blood is dripping down the drain. To fade into the embrace of dusk.

To hear the distant sound of children laughters. To take Her hand and drown into utter darkness.

Take me away from this suffering. A life I cannot face. KILL ME

These nights are endless. And the wind will bring us the coldness of depression. To fade into the embrace of dusk. To take Her hand and drown into utter darkness.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

DEATH(not the band,the really death !)

My Blog

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