A short bio of a long journey
NIGHTFALL, the Athenians
+ When: late 1991
+ Where: Athens
+ Founder: Efthimis Karadimas
+ Line up: not stable, h'ever members that have seriously contributed with their effort from time to time are: Mike Galiatsos, George Kollias, George Bokos, and Bob Katsionis among others
+ Genre: a weird yet interesting combination of Gothic & Metal, sometimes fast and sometimes slow depending on our heart beating only
+ Words: mostly poetry but also philosophical issues
+ Compass: northern mood in southern attitude
Nightfall was the first band emerging from Greece that achieved a record contract with a foreign rec label back in 1992. With the release of Parade into Centuries debut on the same year the Athenians introduced the entire Greek metal scene to the international music industry the formal way. Since then seven full albums have been released, a couple of EPs, numerous shows, some European tours, few videos, album licenses, etc.
The reputation never changed and the trends never followed by so kindly keep in mind this is not an entertaining band to have fun at its shows or by listening to its records, but rather a spiritual santcuary for all those unique minds struggling for inspiration in a shallow world of linear patterns.
Welcome to our cerebral feast!
'Swollen' // (Lyssa, Rural Gods & Astonishing Punishments, 2005)
'Lesbian Show' // (Lesbian Show, 1997)
'I've Never Dreamt the Life We Share' // (I'm Jesus, 2003)
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