morality is beautiful
*I would like to meet some more myspace stalkers.
*I need more criticism.
*I would like to meet crazy die hard christians that like to force their beliefs on everyone else to the point that they forget what they believe.
*I would like to meet people who feel that the female form is pornographic.
*I would like to hang around people who make me feel restrained and oppressed. (it makes me feel at home, here in the fatherland.)
I am also interested in spending my spare time reading messages from people that simply say "youre hot." I love those people the most, because they make me feel intellectually stimulated.
i drink booze...i still think anyone who bases their life off of a stupid fucking Minor Threat song should commit suicide.
see "about me" pet semetary, dude.
If I say the word "Friends" and you think of a TV show, you need to adjust your priorities.
stuff i like to read
*gabriel garcia marquez
*sylvia plath
*f scott fitzgerald
*ee cummings
*jd salinger
*tennessee williams
*leo tolstoy
*daniel quinn
*david sedaris
stuff I'd like to read
*henry miller
*upton sinclair
*t.s. elliot
*anais nin
*franz kafka
(please help me add to this list)
kill your fucking idols. be your OWN hero, do what you want and stop wishing you were someone else.