Someone with "HAND JOBS" tattooed on their knuckles
Le Savy Favthe Monorchid bloc partyISIS Converge E.L.O Louis XIVStarland vocal band Cab Callaway PanthersDavid Soul death from above 1979 Madvillian DovesM.I.A.the StreetsKing Geedorah & M. F. DoomLips Inc.godspeedyoublackemperorIron and WineSome Girls
The Devil and Danny Webster, anything by Dario Argento, Ichi the Killer, the Story of Ricky, Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind, Blood freak, Groundhog day, Bring it on.
Clint Eastwood/Charles Bronson/SHAFT/Mack Truck Turner/Smith & Wesson/Heckler & Koch/Fat Albert/Richard Dawson/Stephen Edward DeTrinis/Mark Twain/YER MOM