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If you can't be a shining example, you might as well be a terrible f&!king warning

About Me

ok, first things first... random adds will probably be denied. I dont mind making friends, but fercrissakes, at least have the decency to say 'hi' first. As for bands? I'm a grumpy misanthrope with a very specific taste in music. i probably won't like yer band. And finally, anyone who puts any kind of 'Thanx for the add' crap on my comments will automatically be deleted. Its really annoying, not to mention downright impersonal. and is a poorly veiled excuse to get noticed by people browsing my page. Say something interesting, funny, poignant, sexy, curious, whatever...you'll still get noticed. Thanx for your attention. Now on to ...me!"For now the info i have...is you are an extrovert, self sufficient, non conformist, easily bored, deep emotions hidden by frivolous front, inspiration rather than perspiration. your beliefs are: everything works out in the end, commitment is a trap and more is better, no options is death. i'll email more later..."this is what Kelly said about me. I don't know her from Adam, but it's about right, i supposeless succinctly, this is what i have to say: irreverent, challenging, dichotomous, curious, casual,intense, difficult (at times), logical,progressive (I would hope). My motto is 'work smart, not hard'. I like crossword puzzles, and flirting, and trying new things. Coffee, punk music, and making people think twice.I like silly dumb movies and bad American tv shows where the heroes drive around in stupidly expensive cars, etc. If I weren't a procrastinator, I'd probably be a fairly proficient writer, but, as it happens, I make porn in Prague, Czech republic for Moirecandy.com... which is funny, cuz i hate porn. I travel a lot. I like meeting new people, but, more often than not, I end up being disappointed, because I prefer free thinkers with strong, well thought out opinions, and I usually end up dealing with regurgitators of rhetoric and propaganda. When I get bored, I move to a new country.I don't like stupid people. And people who don't take care of themselves, physically, mentally, or sartorially. biting (nibbling is okay). Princess complexes (it clashes with my prince complex). and people who spout opinions, but can't back them upI like spunk and attitude that's backed up by experience or well thought out opinions. Skinny girls turn me on, I'll shallowly admit. As well, I like licking, kissing, and the ceremonial dance that comes with flirting, and the uncertainty that is coupled with it.

My Interests

punk music, crossword puzzles, challenging people (and challenging people[adjective v. verb]), trivia, etymology, sedition, complaining, card games, bike messenger lifestyle

I'd like to meet:

I like aesthetic appeal and mental acuity. People who know what they want and why, or are at least open-minded enough to experience everything that life will throw at them. People who are aware of the world around them and live their lives accordingly. People who live life, and have a job on the side, instead of letting their 'profession' consume them, unless they are one of the rare few who managed to turn what they enjoy doing, into a lucrative career. Oh, and I prefer to stay away from anyone who describes themselves as 'fun-loving' or 'I like to party'...I mean, no shit. Can ya try to be a little more expressive?


FAST! punk, hardcore, banghra, dancehall, country, classical, ska, just so long as it's fast, except for techno and it's various bastard children, because I don't see any soul or spirit in it, though jungle is okay, and gabber is funny


Once Were Warriors, Swingers, Brother, Princess Bride, Heathers, Groundhog Day, and any that I am in


anything in English


gritty crime'junk novels'(Lawrence Block, Elmore Leonard, Charles Willeford, Tim Dorsey!! etc) and New York Times Sunday Crossword Puzzle ominibuses


me and Jeff Ott

My Blog


I was asked to write something for a Montreal courier zine...this is the result. Sorry, I don't edit, I'm more stream-of-consciousness. (read=>lazy)Let's say an average of 32 packages a day. Sounds ab...
Posted by kole on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 08:10:00 PST

something that needs to be said

     I'm going through withdrawals cuz i haven't heard anything from Tonya harding since she beat that guy in the head with a hubcap at a hoedown.And what about the poor guy? I don...
Posted by kole on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 10:26:00 PST

just a bunch of those survey things

Sorry, peeps. bear with me. I've been kinda antisocial for about, um, 2years.So, in an effort to try to reconnect with my communicative side, I am going to regale you with a bunch of those time-wastin...
Posted by kole on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 07:29:00 PST

shameless self-promotion. oh, and various travel plans if yer around Canada, Hungary or Czech

Im not really given to bragging, but its not every day that someone makes a documentary about you. So, on that note...check out the trailer.http://www.gumboot.net/projects/my_son_pornographer. htmlWhad...
Posted by kole on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 08:07:00 PST

just a brief note on living in Prague

 Life trudges on in Prague. I will be happy when i leave here. I can say i detest it...for the same reason everyone else seems to love it. Its like Tellytubbyland here. For someone of my intense ...
Posted by kole on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 07:13:00 PST

my new movie

awright suckers. My new movie is up...well, the trailer is. Check it at www.moirecandy.com some people say they can't load it, but it works fine for me...god bless Explorer. Lemme know what you think....
Posted by kole on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 12:12:00 PST

my new movie

awright suckers. My new movie is up...well, the trailer is. Check it at www.moirecandy.com some people say they can't load it, but it works fine for me...god bless Explorer. Lemme know what you think....
Posted by kole on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 12:13:00 PST

my first

check it out, let me know what you think. we shot it in five days, making up the dialog on the spot. bit harder than standard porn. now we know www.moirecandy.com
Posted by kole on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 06:12:00 PST


Time to leave. I finished up my time in the squatted museum and made tentative plans to head east. I spent the next few days combing through my shit deciding what to take and what to leave. the big...
Posted by kole on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

greetings from Belgrade

More details to come as this is just a short thing stolen from a message I sent to someone... I'm living in Belgrade now, as I've been ousted from my home in Budapest (visa problems). Its -5degr...
Posted by kole on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST