Animals,music,arts and crafts,kniting ,sewing ,food,beer,sex,science,plants,paganism,reading,special effects,ect. drinking,Candles,Reading,Ect.
Some one who won't steal my heart and break it ..I would love to meet other like-minded folks who craft, make music ,special effects,ect. I love meeting all kynds of new people.I love goe'n out for coffee at al house and having intellectual conversations about science and things... Hahaha!!
311,Atmosphere,Anal Cunt,Blind Melon,Ben Harper,Cake,Dave Matthews Band, Deftones,Ekoostik Grateful Dead..Hookah,Failure,Fifteen,G.G. Allin,Grateful Dead,Jack Johnson,Jane's Addiction,Keller Williams,MOE.,OAR, Phish,Radiohead,Sound Garden,Sublime,Weezer,Wilco,Ect.
Blood Sucking Freaks,A Clock Work Orange,Children of Men,The Doors,Edward Scissor Hands, The Gooonies,Hook,Joe's Apartment,The Labyrinth,Legend,The Lost Boys,Porn,Run Down,Tank Girl,Shrek 1 & 2 True Romance,The Wedding Planner,Tons of Horror movies Ect.
Adult Swim, The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, Discovery Science, The Independent Film Channel, The Food Network, ect..Family Guy, Deadliest catch, Myth Busters,Arrested Development,G4...
The Chicken Qaballah, The Flame and the Flower, The Crow series,Harry Potter, Ann Rice,The Omnicide, Fang Fur Blood and bone, Space Time Travel, and Pop Culture Magick, Circle Round: Pagan Parenting, The Spiral Dance, Woman who run with the Wolves,Terry Brocks Shanarah series . Magickal Needle Work, And mostly witchery pagan books,cook books an how too books.Ect.
Jerry Garcia and Bradley Noell